Chapter Eight

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Jade's P.O.V

My eyes flicker to Leigh-Anne's empty desk for the third time this lesson. She hasn't been at the school for a week and two days, not that I'm counting or anything. I'm starting to get worried, I haven't talked to her in a week and four days and it's killing me. I haven't talked to Jesy or Perrie either. 

"Miss Thirlwall?" Mrs. Roberts says and I snap away from my thoughts.

"I'm sorry," I say and my face begins to redden.

"Stay with us please," she says and turns back around to the board.

Lauren leans over from her desk, "You better not be thinking about the Leigh girl."

I face her and nod and she sighs. 

"You know she was in the hospital right?" She whispers.

"What?" I yell and I draw the attention to myself, again. 

"Miss Thirlwall and Miss Jauregui, maybe you would like to join me for detention this afternoon."

We both groan and sit back in our seats. My life is just great right now. The bell finally rings and the class files out, one by one. I try to leave quickly before Lauren catches up to me but it's too late. 

"Jade, where are you going?" She asks, running up behind me.

"I'm just going to go to the loo. I'll see you later."

"Okay, bye."

I suck in a huge breath and let it out slowly. I walk out to the courtyard and look for the special tree and before you think what you're thinking; No, I'm not going to go pee on a tree. I spot Jesy and Perrie sitting under a tree where we use to sit before we became friends with Leigh-Anne. 

I do another deep breath and march towards the couple. 

"Hey, guys," I say nervously. 

"What do you want?" Perrie says, crossing her arms over her chest.

"How's Leigh-Anne. I heard she was in the hospital." 

"Why do you care Jade?" Jesy spits.

"I made a mistake, guys. I still care about Leigh-Anne. A lot." 

"Look, Leigh had a panic attack. She's just been back with her anxiety lately. Okay, now run along." Jesy explains.

"Is she at home?" I ask, ignoring her request for me to leave.

"Yes, now please leave," Jesy says and little louder. 

I slowly turn around, it hurts to know that I'm unwanted but I deserve it. I was a total bitch and wasn't in the right state of mind. I wish I could Leigh-Anne that. 

While walking back inside I overheard a conversation. 'She deserved to be in the hospital. Leigh-Anne was useless anyway." 

I clench my fists and look over at the group. Of course, it was that racist fuck, Zayn. (he isn't racist irl okay

"Hey! Don't you dare say that!" I yelled, walking towards him.

"Thirlwall, you left Leigh-Anne. Why do you care?"

"Why do I care? Would you like it if I called you a racist, sick, man-whore?"

Zayn's smirk disappeared from his face, "Hey, you think you funny?"

He rose from his chair and grabbed my wrists. He was much stronger than me but I showed no fear. 

"Get your fucking hands off me!" I yelled again and kicked him in the testicles.

"You fucking bitch!" He yells and swings his hand at my face, hitting me so hard that I fall back. 

My cheek began to throb. I knew better than to mess with Zayn. He was an aggressive person and he doesn't care if he gets in trouble for it. I could feel tears start to swell up in my eyes. I bite my lip and pick myself up but he pushes me back down. There was a group of kids surrounding us, including Perrie and Jesy. 

"Don't mess with me Thirlwall."

He began to walk away but I pulled him by his arm, making him fall smack on the ground. I got up and marched away. That will teach him not to mess with a Thirlwall. 

"Jade! Jade, are you okay?" Jesy says, running over to me and helps me up.

I don't say anything but groan. 

"What happened?" Perrie questions.

"He was dissing Leigh-Anne and I got mad," I replied, rubbing my cheek. 

"Aww, that's so sweet," Jesy teases. 

I blush and just look at the ground.

"I told you, she still loves her," Perrie laughs and nudges Jesy.

"I never... loved her."

"I'm sure," Perrie says sarcastically. 

Just as I was about to open my mouth the bell sounds to go back to class. I smile at them and walk to class. I won't bore with the details of learning new maths, that quite frankly I will never use. Not that I was in rush anyway. I have an hour detention of putting away books in the library after this class. 

The bell rang, giving the freedom that the students have wanted the whole day, apart from me. I slowly dragged myself out of the math classroom when someone caught my eye. Zayn was standing at my locker and my heart drop. I should definitely know better than to mess with Zayn, let alone right him. I can't be at school right now. I can deal with detention later.


I walked up the stairs to the white house that was all too familiar. I lifted my arm to the door and hesitated. I take another deep breath in and knock on the door. I wait a few moments then the door swings open.

"Ah, Jade. What a lovely surprise. I'm assuming you're here to see Leigh-Anne?" Ms. Pinnock says, smiling.

"Yeah," I say quietly, obviously Leigh didn't tell her mum what happened with us. 

Ms. Pinnock stepped aside and let me in. I already knew where Leigh's room was so I walked myself there. I stood at the door for a solid ten minutes before I knocked. I was scared that she was going to shoo me away. 

"Come in," the voice the I had missed so much, called out.

I opened the door and walked in and Leigh-Anne looked up from her bed.

"What are you doing here?" she says, annoyed.

"I need to talk to you Leigh-Anne. I'm scared I made you kill yourself."

Leigh stops what she was doing and put her phone down on her bed.

"Who told you that?"

"Nobody, actually I was told you were anxious But I was horrible to you and blaming you for my cyber bullying. Was not right. I'm sorry Leigh-Anne."

Her eyes soften and she slowly gets off of her bed.

"I thought you didn't care about me anymore."

"No, I do care. I care about you so much. I've thought about you every day. I miss so much Leigh-Anne. I can't-" I was cut off by a pair of lips smashing onto mine.

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