Chapter Seven

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L E I G H A N N E ' S   P O V

I watched from the bus stop, Jade was in the car with Lauren Jauregui. Laughing and smiling like nothing ever happened. Like we never had chemistry. I was soon distracted from my thoughts as a hot liquid dripped down my body.

I look up to see Zayn laughing and holding a coffee cup over my head. Hot tears flushed my eyes and I realized that coffee has just been spilled all down my new white sweater. A group of people began to laugh.

"Awh, baby Pinnock is going to cry?" Zayn said a teasing manner.

"S-Shut up!" I stutter.

"Excuse me?" Zayn says, and the smile disappears from his face.

"I said, shut up!" I say a little louder and look back up at him.

Zayn laughs an evil laugh and his black combat boot digs into my back and pushed me off of the bus stop bench. My face smacks the ground and another round of laughter erupted. In that moment I felt so worthless. No-one gave a shit about what just happened. If only Jade was there. 

"Thirlwall can't help you now, can she?" Zayn said as if he read my mind.

He crouched down to where my face lay on the cool concrete and he grabbed my chin.

"Go back to where you came back from," His words slipped from his cracked lips.

He let go of my chin, making my face fall back onto the ground. More tears spilled from my eyes as I shamefully picked myself off the ground. Just as I stand up the bus pulls up and thank God that I will be with Perrie within a few minutes. 

When I got onto the bus I quickly made my way back up to the back of the bus, trying to avoid anyone tripping me over. The bus traveled, for what seemed like hours, to the next bus stop. As soon as it pulled up, a rush of relief ran over me. A familiar blonde stepped onto the bus and her eyes searched the bus to find me. Her smile disappeared off her face once she saw me, coffee spilled all over my sweater and a tear stained face.

"Oh my god, what happened?" She questioned, her eyes full of concern.

"Zayn poured coffee all down my sweater," my voice cracks on the last word, I was trying to keep myself all together.

Perrie's face became red with anger and she began to stand up. I quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her down.

"What are you doing?" I say, still holding her wrist.

"Going to kick Zayn's ass to Pluto and hope he never comes back," she says. 

"NO! No, don't do that."

"You aren't my mother, so you can't tell me what to do. But you are my friend so I'm going to defend you."

Perrie wriggles her wrist out of my grip and stands up. She marches towards Zayn.

"Hey baby girl," He says and tried to slap her bum but she grabs his wrist.

"You shut the fuck up," she says sternly and the whole bus goes silent.

"I love a good feisty one," as he says that Perrie begins to twist his wrist.

"I said shut the fuck up you asshole. You leave me and my friends alone," She's still twisting his wrist and Zayn was trying to hide the pain.

Perrie lets go of his wrist but she grabs him by his ear and he whimpers.

"Or else," she says sternly then lets him go.

Perrie struts back to her bus seat and every pair of eyes follow her. The bus was fully silent, even the bus driver. Perrie had just stuck up to her ex-boyfriend and for her best friend.

"That felt great," she says and flashes a toothy smile.

"Hell yeah!" I say and give her a high five.

"Anyways, how are you doing?" She asks, her happy tone turned more serious.

"I'm..." I pause for a moment, "I'm hurt and sad if I've got to be honest."

"I don't think this is the real Jade. Jade wouldn't do that. Not to you, especially." 

"What do you mean?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Well, Jade is usually a sweet, kind person. She wouldn't hurt a fly."

"No, I meant the part where you said, 'Not to you, especially.'"

"Oh," She says and looks down at the bus floor then looked back up, "She had a tiny crush on you."

My heart began to race and my palms became sweaty.

"R-really?" I say. I could feel my body tensing up. Why am I suddenly becoming anxious?

"Woah, are you okay?" Perrie was grabbing my hand.

"I-uh," I stutter, my vision became blurry.

I could feel Perrie feeling my forehead but everywhere else felt numb. My chest felt tight and I became harder to breathe, I could hear Perrie yelling but I couldn't make out what she was saying. I try to reach for my pocket to get out my puffer but then everything goes black.


My eyes flutter open slowly and I could see two figures standing at the end of a bed. It took me a moment to steady my vision before I realized that I was in a hospital room and the two figures were Jesy and Perrie.

"Oh, she's up!" Jesy says, quickly rushing to the left side of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" Perrie says, going on the right side.

"I- What happened?" I say, rubbing my head.

"You had a panic attack then passed out. That's what the doctor said," Jesy says and takes a sip of the coffee she was holding.  

"Oh," I say and sit up from the bed.

"Do want anything to eat? I have to go find your mum, anyway to tell her your awake," Perrie asks.

"I'm fine."

"Okay sweetie," she flashes me a smile and then heads out the door.

"The doctor said you had a rush of adrenaline then started to have a panic attack. I didn't know that could happen," Jesy says, taking a seat.

"Me either," I let out a sigh and lay back down in my bed.

"I'm gonna grab another coffee. Sure you don't want anything babe?"

"I'm fine Jes," I flash her a weak smile.

"Okay bub," she walks over and kisses my forehead then leaves the room.

I feel a single hot tear trail down my face. If only Jade were here.





Woo! Updated once again :)) hope this chapter was interesting, please vote and comment. Bye guys ily xo 

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