Chapter Sixteen

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J A D E ' S P O V

Today was going to be Leigh-Anne's first day back after two weeks off school. The school was already buzzing with gossip about why she had been away for so long. A handful of people have come up to me, trying to pry information out of Jesy, Perrie and I. We've kept quiet and not let any information out.

The past two weeks I've been worried sick about Leigh-Anne. Whenever I tried to call her, she'd decline and say she's tired and it would take her hours to respond to my texts. When I tried to go over and see if she was okay, Sarah told me that she was sleeping. Jesy and Perrie have also been trying to get in touch with Leigh-Anne but have been completely ignored.

"Jade, it's time for school," Karl said, leaning against the frame of my bedroom door, "Deep in thought?"

"Just... worried for finals," I muttered as I climbed to the side of the bed and froze, having a sudden thought, "hey can I tell you something?"

"Of course," Karl said, his voice dripping with curiosity.

"What's your opinion on gay people?" I asked, my voice was quiet and small.

"Love is love. I've got nothing against them. Why?" He replies, coming off of the door frame and walking to the end of my bed.

"I-I..." I pause for a moment, "I'm, I'm," I stammer, this was a lot harder that I expected it to be, he just told me he likes gays.

"Gay?" Karl says, finishing my sentences and smiles.

I nod and say, "I'm with Leigh-Anne."

"I knew it," Karl said, a big grin plastered across his face, "This is great! But seriously, get ready for school."

I chuckle at Karl as he exits my room. I take a sigh of relief and climb of my bed and head over to my dresser. I change into a casual ensemble and skip gleefully downstairs.

Breakfast sat on the table, where Karl and my dad sat, eating. I picked up some toast and slapped some bacon on it. I bite into it while I shove all of my school belongings into my rucksack. I swing it around my shoulders and say goodbye to Karl and my dad and head out the door.

The warm summers breeze blew into my hair as I walked towards the bus stop. I noticed my favourite curly-haired girl was sitting on the bus stop bench. I skipped happily towards her and a small smile crept up on her face.

"Leigh-Leigh!" I exclaim, pulling her up into a warm and welcoming hug, taking in her familiar sent of coca butter.

"Hey, Jeed," Leigh said, pulling out of the hug.

We both take a seat on the bus stop bench. I notice the dark eye bags under Leigh-Anne's eyes and how her cheeks looked more slim than usual. My stomach turned, she looked so different. Leigh's skin usually glowed and her eyes always had a sparkle in them. It made me feel like I've been doing everything wrong.

"Leigh," I speak up.

"Yes, love?" Leigh replied, turning to face me.

" I know you don't want to hear this question but I really need an answer. Are you okay?" I ask, my eyes searching her face.

She sighs and says, "I'm- I'm doing okay. The depression meds make me feel sick and I can't eat and I barley get sleep at night. But everyone is so nice to me at home butI feel like a baby at times."

"You haven't..." I pause for a moment, glancing at her wrists then back at her face, "hurt yourself, have you?"

"No, no, of course not," she says quickly.

"I'm just really worried about you."

"I know, I appreciate how much you care," she says, grabbing my hands and giving them a squeeze.

"I'm glad you talked to me about this. I really am," I say as a small smile crept up onto my face.

"Me too," Leigh says and squeezes my hands once more and drops them.

A comfortable silence engulfed us until the bus came. We boarded the bus and found our usual spot at the back. We found ourselves in a conversation about Riverdale when the bus pulled up at Perrie's stop.

When the blond stepped onto the bus her face lit up. She ran to the back of the bus and pulled Leigh-Anne into a tight hug.

"I've missed you so fucking much," she says and releases Leigh-Anne.

"I miss you too," Leigh said with a grin on her face.

They both sat back down before the bus started moving. Perrie joined us on our conversation about Riverdale until we go to school. We all slowly got out of the bus and walked over to where we meet Jesy in the morning.

Jesy and Leigh-Anne share a hug and a small conversation about how she was going. Then we all took our seats on the bench. Perrie and Jesy were both giggling and smiling.

"We have something to tell you," Jesy smiles.

"You're getting married?" I joked.

"No," Jesy chuckles, "We are taking you guys on a road trip! This weekend we are going to stay at a hotel in Brighton and it's right near a beach and I know you love the beach Leigh."

"I would love to come but mum would definitely say no," Leigh shrugs.

"Already asked her and she said it was fine. Come on Leigh, you need this trip," Perrie said, pleadingly.

"Fine, only because I love you," Leigh laughs.

Butterflies swarmed my stomach at my excitement. A whole two days and one whole night to spend with Leigh-Anne! This is going to be great! Maybe this can be the place where we say our first I love you. I've been waiting for the perfect moment to tell her I love her. I really do love her though.

A/N; finally have a less depressing chapter. I'm so excited to write the next chapter, I might even make the trip two chapters long! With lots and lots of Leighade fluff.
But I just wanted to say that I'm loosing reads and I want to know if I'm doing something wrong? -Renee x

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