Chapter Nine

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Leigh's P.O.V

All I could focus on was Jade's lips and her saying that she cared about me made me want her so bad. I couldn't wait any longer, I can't pretend to hate her any longer. This past week all I've been thinking about is her. Even thought she hurt me, I still wanted her and I hated myself for it. But now that she was apologizing, made me hate myself a little less. I moved slightly closer to her as she was talking, my eyes fixed on her lips.

Without any warning, I crashed my lips onto hers. My heart leaped out of my chest. As soon as Jade had caught on what was happening, she kissed back. It was the most amazing twelve seconds of my life. I pulled away from her lips and her jaw was hung open. I chuckled a little and close her jaw.

"Wow," she gasps, her cheeks turning the color of tomatoes. 

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that," I say, flashing her a smile. 

She smiles back and it's the most amazing feeling in the world. My favorite thing has always been Jade's smile. It always gave me a warm feeling in my body, like I was safe. 

"So I'm guessing you accept my apology?" She laughs and I join her. 

"Oh my god, your face!" I say, pointing to the big bruise around her eye.

"You just noticed?" She laughs. 

I love her laugh as well. Her laugh was always filled with joy and it was music to my ears. I love a lot of things about Jade. The way her hair sits, it frames her face like a beautiful picture and her chocolate brown eyes, I could always get lost in them. They were beautiful, she was beautiful. Much more beautiful than I would ever be. Ever since I saw her, I knew there was something about her that made her more special than all the other girls I've encountered. 

"Well, Zayn was being a dick so I stepped in to defend."

"You're so sweet," I say, wanting to kiss her lips again.

I was so close to her, I wanted to grab her face and bring her close again but just as I was about to do so, the door swung open and Sarah walked in.

"Hey, Leigh- Woah. Why are you girls so close to each other?" She questions and raises an eyebrow.

I quickly step away from Jade, my face turning red from embarrassment. 

"We, ahh, she was just looking at my black eye. That's all," Jade said, saving us from any further embarrassment.

"How did that even happen?" 

"Long story. Okay, time to get out. Bye!" I say, pushing Sarah from my room and slam the door shut.

"Sorry about that," I say, Jade's face had gone bright red and she was looking at the ground.

She looked so adorable when she was embarrassed. When did she not look cute?

"Leigh?" She says, looking up from the ground, here voice was very quiet. You wouldn't be able to hear it if you weren't just a meter away.


Jade paused for a moment, like she was thinking intently about what she was going to say.

"Are you gay?"

"I don't know. I guess I am."

"I don't know if I'm gay," Her voice was still quiet.

"Did you like kissing me?" 

"Well yeah," Jade chuckles.

"You're gay sweetie."

"Well... Are we dating?"

"Not yet. It was one kiss. How about a date?" I ask, more of a demand than a question.

"Sure. How about we go star gazing?" She suggests, a big smile plastered across her face.

"Sound's lovely," I smile and moved closer to her.

I cupped her cheek and pecked her lightly on the lips. Her lips were soft and they tasted of peppermint. We said our goodbyes and she walked out of my room. I couldn't help but smile like a ridiculous idiot. I've never kissed anybody before and that kiss was just amazing. And yes, I'm sixteen and only just had my first kiss. I guess it was because I was gay all along. 

'Leigh!' I heard a voice call out. That meant it was time for dinner. I skipped happily down to the kitchen and sat at my spot at the table. I ate as quickly as possible because I really wanted to call Perrie. 

"Leigh! You're going to choke!" My mother scowled me as I shoved a big pile of lettuce into my mouth.

I just shrug and shove a few more piles of the leaves into my mouth. I put the plate into the sink, not so gracefully, meaning that I almost broke the plate, and skip back to my room. I whipped out my phone and I pressed the home button to turn it on. My smile instantly fades. From Unknown Number: Kill Yourself no one will care. I stare at my phone, rereading the text over and over again. The words become blurry from tears welling up in my eyes. 

I throw my phone across the room and roll onto my bed. I use to always be told to kill myself. Every day when I walked into my school gates, the word was thrown around like it was nobodies business. I put my pillow over my face, trying not to scream. I heard my phone buzz again and I perked up. I stared at my phone, that was lying face down on the floor. 

I wiped away the tears and picked up my phone and it was another message. From Unknown Number: I have blades if you need some. My lips quivered and more tears slid from my eyes. I looked down at my scarred wrists.  

That time in my life was the worst pain I ever felt. I had nobody. I didn't have someone like Jade, I didn't have someone like Perrie or Jesy. But I do now, so I wasn't going to let some coward, hiding behind a phone screen bring me down. The thing is, it wasn't that easy.

Instead of deleting the messages I just kept reading them over and over again. More tears spilled from my eyes and I couldn't make them stop. It was like a horror movie, it scared you but you couldn't turn away because you wanted to know what happened next, that is exactly what this feels like.

My eyes began to feel heavy and I could feel my body begging to shut down. I placed my phone on my desk and climbed into my bed, then shut my eyes hoping I could just fall asleep forever. Why can I never have a happy ending? Something always has to go wrong.





Yay! Another update, hope you guys are happy now Leighade is rising. Also this chapter is dedicated to the 'Leigh's Hoes' group chat on Instagram. Ya'll are the bomb - R

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