Chapter 1: First Day Of Junior Year In New Jersey

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Jennifer's POV

It is another beautiful morning here in New Jersey, and today is also the first day of my junior year of high school. I forgot to mention, but we moved to the city of Trenton in New Jersey, and I am now attending Central High School. I quickly got ready for my first day because Calum is taking me to school, and his girlfriend Destini kindly offered to come over and make breakfast for me. This is going to meet my first time meeting her, and I already know she's a nice girl because my brother has told me about her before, and from his talks, she seems super sweet. When she arrived, Calum assisted her to where things were if she needed anything. "Jenn, Destini is here. Do you mind going downstairs when you're done getting ready, just in case she needs help with finding anything?" Calum said. "Yeah sure!" I replied. I finished getting ready for the day and grabbed my backpack and went downstairs. When I got downstairs, I saw Calum's girlfriend Destini making breakfast. "Hi, I'm Calum's sister, Jennifer. It's nice to meet you." I smiled as I waved at her. "It's nice to meet you too. Here's some breakfast I made for you." Destini smiled. "Thanks so much." I smiled as I sat down and ate my breakfast. After I was done with my breakfast, Calum was already waiting for me in the car, so I said goodbye to Destini and he took me to school. We weren't quite sure how to get there at first, but luckily Calum brought his phone with him, so he pulled up the directions and we made our way to my new school.

When we got to the school, Calum found a parking spot and went with me inside so I could get my schedule. When I called the school a few days prior, they said that they would have my schedule ready for me when I come on the first day. "Hi, I'm a new student here and I'm here to pick up my schedule of my classes for this year." I kindly smiled. "You must be Jennifer Hood, correct?" The front desk attendant asked. "Yes, that's me." I smiled as she went to go grab my schedule. "Here is your schedule. I hope you have a great first day." She smiled and greeted me. "Thank you so much." I smiled as I walked out the office with Calum. "What's your first class?" Calum asked. "According to my schedule, it says I have History first, in Room 215." I replied. "Ok. Do you want me to walk with you to your first class, or are you ok walking by yourself?" Calum asked. "I think I'll be ok. I'll just ask anyone if I get lost." I smiled. "Ok then well, I guess I'll just leave you here then. Call me after your last class is over today, and I'll pick you up." Calum smiles. "Ok, thanks Calum. I'll see you later." I smiled as I waved goodbye to Calum and walked to my first class. I was able to get to my first class without getting lost, which is a good thing.

When I walked in, most of the students in the class were already there, so I decided to go up to the teacher and introduce myself first. "Hello, I'm the new student in your class." I smiled confidently. "May I have your name please?" She asked. "Jennifer Hood." I replied. She went to look at her roster to double check for my name. "Ohh yes, I was given an email saying that I should be expecting a new student to come to my class today. It's very nice to meet you, Jennifer. My name is Mrs. Henderson, and I am your History teacher for this year." She smiled. "Just stand here and I'll start to introduce you to the class." She smiled as she was getting ready to start class. "Good Morning everyone. My name is Mrs. Henderson, and I am your History teacher for this year. Don't expect anything in my class to be really hard, because I never make anything hard for my students." She smiled. "And speaking of students, we have a new student joining our class, and the school today. Everyone, this is Jennifer Hood. Jennifer, these are your classmates." Mrs. Henderson smiled. "Hey guys. I'm Jennifer Hood, and I'm fairly new here to New Jersey." I smiled. "Where did you move from?" Mrs. Henderson asked. "I moved here to New Jersey from California." I replied. "Would anyone like to volunteer and show Miss. Hood around the school and bring her to her next class? I'll give that person 2 bonus points on our first quiz we have this year." Mrs. Henderson said. She looked around, and luckily one person kindly volunteered. "I'll help her out." I heard the voice say. "May I get your name please?" She asked. "Ethan Dolan." I heard him reply. "Ok Jennifer, there's a seat next to Mr. Dolan, so you can sit there and he will help you out." Mrs. Henderson smiled as I walked to the seat she told me to sit in.

I sat in my seat and Mrs. Henderson looked through her papers to find the syllabus and hand it out. "Hi, I'm Ethan Dolan. It's nice to meet you." He smiled. "It's nice to meet you, too. I'm Jennifer Hood." I smiled as I shook hands with Ethan. Our teacher handed out the syllabus and she went over the whole thing. After she went over it, we went around the class and introduced ourselves and said a few things about us. After a few people went, it was now my turn. "Well, my name is Jennifer Hood. I recently just moved from California with my brother, and I'm really enjoying it here in New Jersey so far." I smiled as I sat down. One person raised their hand and wanted to ask a question. "I just want to ask Jennifer something. Isn't your brother Calum Hood, who's in 5 Seconds Of Summer?" My classmate asked. "Yes, he is." I smiled. Most of the girls in the class started smiled and whispering things, but I knew they were good things. We finished going around and introducing ourselves, and by the time we finished, the bell to the next class rang. I grabbed my things and headed out the door. "Need help finding your next class?" I heard a voice behind me say. "Ohh, hey Ethan!" I smiled. "Yeah sure, if you don't mind helping me." I replied. "It's my pleasure." Ethan smiled as he walked me to my next class.

(A.N. - Ethan helped Jennifer throughout the day, bringing her to her classes and showing her around the school. They ended up having 3 classes together, including history.)

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