Chapter 11: Being Ethan Dolan's Girlfriend

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------A few months later------

Jennifer's POV

It's so crazy to think that I'm Ethan Dolan's girlfriend. But I'm honestly so blessed to have Ethan in my life because he's such a sweet person, inside and out, and I'm so blessed for his family, because they treat me as their own. Grayson treats me like a sister and a best friend, and their parents treat me like their own daughter, which makes me really happy. It's been 3 months since Ethan and I have been a couple, and it is officially the beginning of our senior year of high school. Calum is going on a summer tour with the guys for the next few months, while I'm left at home in New Jersey. But, I think Ethan and Grayson are making plans to head out to California this summer and work on a few pop-up meet & greets. While I was sitting at home working on some things, I heard the doorbell ring. When I went to go look to see who was at the door, I could see balloons floating in the air from the side of the window. I immediately knew it was Ethan at the door. When I opened the door, I saw someone standing in front of me holding balloons and a gift in their hands. "Ethan Dolan, you can stop with those surprises." I laughed. Ethan pulled the balloons away from his face and he came inside my house. "So, what do you have for me now?" I asked he handed me the bag he brought. As I was opening the bag, I couldn't believe my eyes. "Ethan, what is this?" I said with excitement. "Well, it's just a little something that I wanted to give to you." He smiled. I was so surprised at what Ethan gave to me. He gifted me a piece of jewelry from one of my favorite places, Alex and Ani. He also gave me a necklace from Pandora that he says it symbolizes our relationship. "Awww Ethan, you're too sweet. Thank you." I smiled. "You're welcome, my love." He smiled back.

After a few hours have gone by, Grayson came over to hang out with Ethan and I. While the three of us were hanging out, I decided to order some food for all of us. "Since you guys are here, you guys should stay here and have lunch. What do you guys want to eat? My treat." I smiled. "That's nice of you, Jennifer. Umm, I'm up for anything. What about you, Ethan?" Grayson asked. "I'm down to eat anything." Ethan replied. "Ok. How does Chipotle sound?" I asked. "Sounds good to me!" Ethan smiled. Grayson nodded his head and smiled. I grabbed my phone, wallet, and car keys and headed over to Chipotle. I had all of our orders finished within 10 minutes, then I headed back home. When I got home, I saw that Ethan and Grayson were asleep on the couch in the living room. I quietly made my way over to the kitchen, set the stuff down quietly, and grabbed their food out and set it in front of them so it would be there by the time they'd wake up. I slowly walked back to the kitchen to eat my food. After 5 minutes went by, I started noticing that they were both waking up. "Your food is in front of you, guys. Go eat." I smiled. They both turned around and saw me in the kitchen. "When did you get home?" Ethan asked. "Just a few minutes ago." I laughed. "I saw that you guys were sleeping, and I didn't want to bother your guys' slumber, so I just put your food in front of you." I said.

(A.N. - For the rest of the day, Ethan and Grayson stayed at Jennifer's house for lunch and left later on in the day. Then later on in the day, Jennifer went to the Dolan residence and had dinner with them.)

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