Chapter 2: Meeting My New Best Friend

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My first day of junior year was amazing. My teachers were super nice to me, and so were my new classmates. Especially the guy who's in my history, english, and math class. His name is Ethan Dolan. He was super sweet to me, showing me around the school and bringing me to my classes. And now that the first week of junior year has gone by, I think I've became really good friends with Ethan now. Not just because we help each other out for our classes, but because he is just a sweet guy in general. It is the Saturday before the second week of junior year begins, and I got a text message on my phone. I looked to see who it was, and it was Ethan who sent me a message *Hey Jennifer, I hope everything is going well for you here in Jersey. I wondering if you'd want to meet me somewhere, cuz I kind of need help with our history homework*, the text read. *Yes of course! Where do you want me to meet you? Just text me the address and I'll be on my way!*, I replied back to Ethan. *Let's meet at the Starbucks near the school.*, he replied back. I pulled up the address on my phone, grabbed my backpack, car keys, and walked to my car in the garage. "Hey Calum, I'm going to meet up with one of my classmates because he needs help with our history homework." I said to Calum as he was fixing his car. "Ok that's totally fine. Just tell me when you get there so I know you're safe." Calum smiled as he gave me to go signal to leave.

------15 minutes later------

When I arrived at Starbucks, I found a seat and waited for Ethan to arrive. 3 minutes later, I see him walking in. I waved at him and he smiled and walked over to where I was sitting. "Hey, sorry to bother you. I just really needed help on this homework our teacher gave us." Ethan said. "No worries, Ethan. I'm always available for help." I smiled. "So, what part did you need help on?" I asked. He pulled out the packet and showed me the page he needed help on. "That's the same page I'm having trouble on." I said. "Really? Well, let's help each other out then." I smiled as we took our textbooks out and began. "So, why did you and your brother move here to Jersey?" Ethan asked as we were taking a break from doing homework. "Well, my parents found a better school opportunity here. It's not that California's school system is terrible, it's just that my parents thought that New Jersey would be better for me. So, they had my brother come with me, instead of them coming." I replied. "Well, you made a good decision. New Jersey is an amazing state." Ethan smiled. "And so far, I'm really liking it." I smiled. "That's great that you're loving New Jersey so far. Do you miss Cali at all?" Ethan asked. "Yes, I definitely miss California, but, I've been living there all my life, so a new state is always a good change." I smiled.

We got back to finishing our homework, which we eventually were able to finish the whole packet in 2 hours. "Thanks so much for helping me, Jennifer. I would've never thought that I would finished this. You're amazing!" Ethan said with relief. "It's my pleasure, Ethan. I'm glad I got to meet a friend like you." I smiled. "And I'm happy that I got to meet you as well." Ethan smiled. "And since I met you, I found a new best friend in you. Want to be best friends?" He smiled. "Sure, why not." I smiled. After we gathered our stuff together, we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. When I got home, I noticed that Calum left the garage door open, and that there was another car parked on the side of our house. I didn't recognize who owned the car, so I just parked my car in the driveway and went inside the house to see who came over. Calum quickly saw me and ran towards me. "Sis, we have some special guests over, and you'll be excited to see who they are." Calum smiled. I walked into the kitchen, and my eyes grew big.

"Surprise!" They screamed. I had no idea that Michael, Luke, and Ashton were coming over to Jersey to come visit Calum and I. "OH MY GOSH! I missed you guys so much." I screamed as I hugged Michael, Luke, and Ashton in a group hug. "How have you guys been?" I asked. "We've been ok. How are you guys settling with New Jersey?" Luke asked. "Well, everything is going well so far." I smiled. "When are you guys going back on tour?" I smiled. "Well, we're discussing with our manager about the details for a future tour, but we don't have a final plan, as of yet." Michael replied. "But there is a chance that you'll pull through with the tour, right?" I asked. "Yes, there is a chance." Ashton smiled. Calum sat in the living room with Ashton, Luke, and Michael to talk about future shows, while I went to my room and finished any homework that I had left to do. While I was doing my homework, I kept hearing my phone go off. I looked, and it was Ethan calling me. I quickly answered before it went to voice message. "Hey Ethan, what's up?" I answered. "Hey Jennifer. I just wanted to see if you got home safely." He replied. "Well Mr. Dolan, I am home safely. Thank you for asking." I smiled. "Was your brother ok with you being with me?" Ethan asked. "Yes he was. He didn't know who I was with specifically, but I told him that a friend needed help with homework, and he was ok with that." I replied. "Ok, that's good to hear, because I wouldn't want you to get in trouble." He replied. "Thanks for your concern, Ethan. It means a lot." I smiled. "Well, sorry to bother you, but I'll let you go now." Ethan said.

"Ok, thanks Ethan! I'll see you on Monday." I smiled. "See you on Monday, best friend." Ethan laughed. "See you, best friend." I laughed as I hung up and went back to work.

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