Chapter 3: Meeting His Twin Brother

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When I arrived at school today, I noticed that there was some kind of event going on in the main lobby. It looked liked they're preparing for a pep rally that's going to happen later today. I walked over to see what everyone was doing, and I happened to see Ethan in the crowd. I tried to grab his attention, but it didn't work. But then he quickly noticed me right after, so we walked over to me. "Hey Jennifer." He smiled. "Hey Ethan, what's going on here?" I asked. "Ohh, there's going to be a pep rally later today before the day ends, so they're doing some kind of preparation for it." Ethan replied. "This is really cool. In California, I never saw any of this at my old school." I said. "Well, now you're here in New Jersey to experience it." Ethan smiled. "I'm glad that we moved here." I smiled. After that was over, Ethan and I walked to our lockers to grab our materials for our English class. Once we all grabbed our stuff, we walked together to our English class. Once we walked in, our classmates were just staring at us. One of Ethan's friends in our class came up to him and whispered something to him. "Ethan, everyone around the school is thinking that Jennifer is your girlfriend or something. Is she?" His friend asked. "No, she's not! She's my best friend, and that's how it's going to be." Ethan replied. Our teacher came in right after and began class. During class, our teacher gave out a study guide for us to study from for our test next week. After she handed out the study guide, the bell rang and it was time to go to the next class. I grabbed my things and headed to my next class, and right as I walked out the door, I felt something grab my backpack. I turned around to see Ethan pulling at my backpack. "Gosh Ethan, you scared me." I said. "Ohh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He giggled. "Where are you headed to?" He asked. "I'm heading to my Choir class. I'm so glad it's the last class of the day before I go home." I smiled. "I can't wait to go home either." Ethan smiled.

"Ohh, by the way Jennifer, are you free on Saturday?" Ethan asked. "Umm, I'm pretty sure I am. My brother and I don't have plans. Why, what's up?" I replied. "Because I'm having a family party at my house, and I was wondering if you'd want to come." Ethan said. "Are you sure it's ok with your family for me to come? I wouldn't want to be there if I'm not family." I replied. "It's totally ok with them. My twin brother is bringing some of his friends." Ethan said. "Wait, you have a twin brother?" I asked. "Ohh, I never told you? Well, yes I do have a twin brother." Ethan smiled. "And if you'd want to go, you'd be able to meet him." He replied. "Well, I'll have to check with my brother, and I will get to back to you." I replied.

------Later on during the day; At home------

When I got home, I came home to a very nice surprise from my brother, Calum. "Calum, what's going on here?" I smiled as I walked into the dining room/kitchen area. "Well, I knew you've been having a stressful week at school this past week, so I thought that it would be nice to prepare a little something for you. So I decided to make your favorite meal, Steak and Potatoes." Calum smiled as he set the food on the table. I quickly went to my room to drop off my stuff and go back downstairs to help Calum set the table. "By the way Calum, remember my best friend, Ethan?" I told Calum. "Of course I do. What about him?" He asked. "Well, he invited me to his house for a family party. And I honestly feel bad because I'm not a part of his family." I said. "He even said that his twin brother is bringing friends." I said. "Well, if he's inviting you, and his brother is inviting friends, I wouldn't see the problem." Calum smiled. "Are you sure, it's ok with me to go?" I asked. "I mean, I wouldn't see the problem." He smiled. "Ok, thanks Calum. I'll go text Ethan really quick." I said as I went upstairs to text Ethan. *Hey Ethan! I just told my brother about your invite to the family party, and he let me go*, the text read. Within a minute, Ethan replied. *Ok that's great! I'll pick you up around 5:30 pm*, he replied. I went back downstairs to help Calum. "So what did Ethan say?" Calum asked. "He said that he's going to pick me up around 5:30 pm." I replied. "Ok that's great. Let's eat now." Calum smiled as we sat down and ate together.

------Saturday Afternoon------

It is now 3:00 pm on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and I was getting myself prepared for when Ethan comes over to pick me up. I took a shower and picked out an outfit to wear for the party later. I'm having a hard time picking an outfit out because I wasn't sure what kind of outfit to wear because I wanted to look presentable. It took me about 20 minutes until I finally found an outfit that would make me look presentable. I decided on wearing my Hawaiian halter top and paired it with my long green skirt. With my shoes, I paired my outfit with some birkenstocks that Calum gifted to me. (A.N. - Outfit is posted above). After I got dressed, I looked at myself in the mirror, and I noticed that my outfit kind of looked like it was Moana-inspired. I went downstairs to ask for Calum's opinion on my outfit. "Calum, does my outfit look ok?" I asked Calum. "Sis, you look great. You kind of look like Moana." Calum smiled. "Thanks Calum." I smiled. "When should Ethan be here?" Calum asked. I looked at my phone to see what time it is. "Well, it's now 5:15 pm, so he should be here in 15 minutes or so." I replied. After 15 minutes went by, I heard a car honking in front of my house. "Ohh, that must be Ethan. I have to go now, Calum. I'll see you later!" I waved at Calum as I grabbed my purse and headed out the door. I got in Ethan's car and we drove off to his house. "You look really nice today, best friend." Ethan smiled. "Thanks Ethan." I smiled.

------20 minutes later------

We finally arrived at Ethan's house, and there were already a ton of cars parked in the driveway and on the side of the house. "Wow, it looks like you have a lot of family over tonight." I said to Ethan. "Yeah. When the Dolan Family gets together, there's a ton of us." Ethan laughed. "Ready to go inside?" Ethan smiled. "Let's go." I smiled as we walked towards his house. When I walked through the door, the first thing I noticed was the big crowd of people surrounding the house. "Wow, you have a lot of family members." I giggled. "Well, welcome to the Dolan family." Ethan laughed. "I'll leave you right here for now. I'm going to find my parents and introduce you to them." Ethan smiled as he ran to go find his parents. He came back after 5 minutes, with his parents. "Mom, Dad, meet Jennifer, my best friend. Jennifer, meet my parents, Sean and Lisa." Ethan smiled as he introduced his parents. "It's nice to meet you, Jennifer. Welcome to our house." Ethan's Mom smiled. "I'm very glad that I could make it, Mrs. Dolan." I smiled. "Ethan, where's your brother Grayson?" Ethan's Dad asked. "I honestly don't know where that guy could be. I'll go find him." Ethan said as he ran to go find his brother. "So, how long have you known our son, Ethan?" His Mom asked. "Well, I became best friends with Ethan during the beginning of the school year." I smiled. "That's great. And to be honest, you're the only best friend that Ethan has had, who's a girl. And we're very honored to have you in his life, and ours as well." His Dad smiled. "Well, I'm very honored to be in Ethan's life." I smiled. After talking with his parents for a little while, I noticed Ethan walking back towards us, with someone who looks just like him.

"Mom, Dad, I found Grayson. Bro, this is Jennifer, my best friend. Jennifer, meet my twin brother, Grayson." Ethan said as he introduced his brother to me. "It's nice to meet you, Grayson." I smiled. "Hi Jennifer. It's nice to meet you too. Welcome to the Dolan Family." He smiled. "Thank you." I smiled.

(A.N. - Jennifer continued to have a great time at Ethan's family party. After Ethan introduced Grayson to his best friend Jennifer, they got along with each other, and also became friends in some way).

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