Chapter 19: Ethan Grant Dolan & Jennifer Melissa Hood

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(A.N. - This chapter is going to be in Jennifer's POV only).

Jennifer's POV

Today's the day! It's the day that I get to marry my best friend, my eternal love. I called everyone in my wedding party to head over to my house to get ready while the guys went to Ethan and Grayson's house to get ready. Kyra got started with her makeup first, then she got started on my makeup, and Alex did everyone else's makeup. "So Jennifer, are you ready?" Keren asked. "Well, I'm feeling a little bit nervous, but over all, I feel ready." I replied. "Why should you feel nervous?" Danielle asked. "I don't know. I just feel a little tense." I said. "Don't worry, Jenn. We're here for you." Kyra smiled. "Thanks guys." I smiled as I finished with my makeup. After everyone's makeup was done, it was time for us to put our dresses on. The bridesmaids put their dresses on, then followed by the maid of honor. I had my dress put on last since it's probably going to take a little longer for me to put mine on. Quickly after I put my dress on, Keren got started on doing my hair. And after 30 minutes, all of us girls were dolled up and ready to go. "Wow Jenn, you look super gorgeous right now." Danielle said. "Awww thanks Danielle." I smiled. We all walked downstairs to the living room where my Mom was. "Mom, it's time to go!" I yelled so my Mom could hear me. My Mom came walking over to us and helped us with our stuff to put it in the car.

"Let's head to the church now. I bet Ethan is already there, waiting to see you." Keren smiled as she held my hand so I could walk down the stairs, and the other girls followed behind us. All the girls got in the limo first, and I followed last. My Mom left first while we followed behind her. The limo driver shut the door and got back in the limo and started driving to the venue. While we were driving, we all had a conversation about random things. "So Jenn, when you and Ethan got engaged, how did it feel?" Alex asked. "Honestly, I wouldn't have had it any other way. Ethan is my heart, and now that we're about to get married, it makes it so much better." I smiled. "Would you guys plan on having kids?" Kyra asked. "Well, yes. But, it's not on our minds at the moment." I giggled as we giggled along with her. "If you had a boy, what would you name him?" Danielle asked. "Well, we have a few names in mind, and we want to stick with unique names, and there was one that we both agree on, and that name is Ronan Chayce Dolan." I said. "Oh my gosh, that is such a cute name." I awed. "What girl name did you guys pick, if you had a girl?" I asked. "Like I said earlier, we want to stick with unique names for our kids, and we've decided on one that we both like, and that name is Athena Bayleigh Dolan." I smiled. "You guys seriously came up with the cutest names ever!" Keren smiled. "Awww thanks." I smiled as we continued to chat about random stuff.

------15 minutes later------

We finally arrived at the venue, and we saw a ton of people still waiting outside the front entrance. Alex went out so she could see if everything is ready, and the other girls followed shortly after her. I stayed in the limo alone for a little while before I heard someone come up to the window and knock. I look over to see my Dad smiling. I rolled down the window so I could talk to him. "Are you ready sweetheart?" He asked. "Yes Dad, I am." I smiled. He opened the door from the window and let his hand out for me to grab. "Let's go?" He smiled. I grabbed his hand and walked with him to the start of the aisle. When we reached the aisle, I could hear the song playing to walk down the aisle. (Everything I Do) I Do It For You by Bryan Adams.

Each pair of the wedding party walked down the aisle until it was my turn to walk down. And sure enough, it came to that point. I hung on to my Dad's arm as he walked me down the aisle. Everyone was looking over at me and smiling. Some were even crying, and I knew that my Mom would be one of those people. When we reached where Ethan was, I started to get some tears in my eyes. My Dad shook Ethan's hand and gave him a little pep talk before he handed me off with Ethan. I grabbed Ethan's arm and he led me to our chairs. We sat down, and the ceremony got started. 30 minutes later, after the vows were made and said, the rings were put on our fingers and the ceremony continued. Then, 15 minutes later, the ceremony was coming to a close. "Ethan, here comes your favorite part." The pastor said as Ethan giggled. "Ethan, you may now, kiss your bride." The pastor finished as Ethan lifted up my veil. He put his hands on my cheeks, and then, the kiss made its landing. All the guests clapped and cheered as Ethan and I officially got married. We looked towards the guests and smiled at everyone. Despacito by Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber started playing while each pair in the wedding party started dancing their way back down the aisle.

After all the pairs went down the aisle, Ethan and I made our way down, for the first time as Mr. & Mrs. Ethan Dolan. All the guests followed after us as Ethan scooped me up bridal style and walked to the limo. Ethan closed the door and the limo left, followed by the rest of the wedding party. The guests made their way to the reception while we went to take some wedding pictures. Taking the pictures took us about 30 minutes total, then we made our way to the reception venue. When we got there, each pair got together and walked towards the entrance of the venue. Kyra went ahead in first to alert the DJ and the guests that we have arrived.

------Inside The Venue------

"Hello everybody, and good evening! My name is DJ StarTrack and we are here tonight to celebrate the love of Ethan and Jennifer. I just got note that the couple and the bridal party have arrived, so let's get the party started!" DJ StarTrack announced as the guest cheered and got ready to watch us. You're Welcome by Dwayne Johnson from the Disney movie "Moana" started playing as the bridal party was getting ready.

As the song was playing, each pair in the bridal entourage danced their way down to the dance floor. The curtain closed as Ethan and I got ready to walk in as a married couple for the first time. "And now, let me have the honor of introducing to everyone, the newlyweds, Mr. & Mrs. Ethan Grant Dolan!" DJ StarTrack announced as our entrance song, Hakuna Matata from the Disney movie "The Lion King" started playing.

The guests clapped and cheered as Ethan and I were dancing our way down to the dance floor. When we got to the dance floor, we looked at everyone and smiled. After a minute went by, the lights went a little dim, and it was time for us to dance together as a married couple for the first time. Hero by Mariah Carey started playing.

Everyone went quiet as they watched us dance together for the first time as a married couple. The guests were taking pictures and videos of us while we enjoyed our first dance together. After our first dance, we sat down and let the guests enjoy tonight's dinner. After dinner was served, the speeches were done and it was time to enjoy the rest of the night with our family and friends.

(A.N. - After Ethan and Jennifer's wedding, they began to prepare for their honeymoon in Dublin, Ireland. Once they came back, they both decided that they wanted to move back to New Jersey and live there permanently. Jennifer's brother Calum moved out of their house and went to live with my bandmate Luke Hemmings because he wanted Ethan and his sister to have the house. After a few years have gone by, Ethan and Jennifer ended up having 4 kids, 3 girls, whose names are Athena Bayleigh Dolan, Teegan Royce Dolan, and Makenna Kinsley Dolan, and 1 boy, named Ronan Chayce Dolan.)

Hey guys!! So unfortunately, this is the end of You Make Me Strong. It was a really fun time getting to write this book. Until then, I hope you enjoyed You Make Me Strong.

Much Love, Aurora

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