Chapter 7: Admitting To My Best Friend

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------First Day Back After Winter Break------

Ethan's POV

It's our first day back at school after an awesome winter break vacation. My first class today was History, and when I walked in, I immediately spotted my best friend Jennifer talking to some of our classmates, I'm guessing about how their breaks went. I tried to ignore her as much as I could because it's pretty awkward for me now because I've confessed my feelings for her, but to my brother Grayson. He's the only person that knows about my feelings for Jennifer. I walked in class and sat in my seat and waited patiently for the teacher to come in. After a minute went by, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey Ethan, how was your break?" I heard to voice say. I turned around and saw Jennifer behind me. "Ohh hi, Jennifer. My break was good. How was yours?" I replied. "It was amazing. I'm glad that I got to hang out with you and Grayson over the past 3 weeks." She smiled. "It was great to see you too." I smiled slightly. After a few minutes have gone by, our teacher walks in and we begin class.

------1 1/2 hours later------

Once the class bell rang, I quickly grabbed my stuff and walked to my locker to grab my things for my next class. Once I shut my locker door, I saw her again. This time, I froze. "Hey Ethan. I've noticed during class that you were a little pale. Are you ok?" Jennifer asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I replied. "Are you sure? Because it doesn't seem like it." She said. "Yes Jenn, I'm fine." I said. "Ok then, just making sure." She smiled. As she started to walk away, I paused in my tracks and tried to stop her. "Hey Jenn, wait a second." I said. She stopped and looked behind her. "Yes Ethan?" She said as she walked back towards me. "Are you free later after school? I have to tell you something." I said as I took a deep breath. She looked at the time on her phone and looked at her calendar. "Yeah, I'm free after school later." She smiled. "Ok great! I'll see you later then." I smiled. After Jennifer walked away, I closed my eyes and took a huge breath. I have never been so nervous in front of any girl that I had a crush on in my life. It's only Jennifer that I have had this feeling.

------A few hours later------

It is now the end of the school day, and I am moments away from admitting to Jennifer the truth about how I feel about her. I went to my locker and grabbed all my things that I'm going to need for tonight to do my homework. After I did that, I grabbed my phone and texted Jennifer to meet me outside by the bench in front of the main entrance of the school. I made my way there as I was taking deep breaths every second. When I reached the bench, I sat down and patiently waited for Jennifer to come. After 10 minutes have passed, I saw Jennifer walking towards me. She sat down next to me and set her stuff to the side. "Hey Ethan. So, what's this thing that you want to tell me?" She asked. "Well, it's kind of a long story, and only one other person knows about this." I paused. "Well, what is it?" She asked again. "Jennifer, I've developed feelings for you. I really, really like you. I can't hide these feelings inside me anymore, so I decided to tell you now, than rather wait until later on to tell you." I said. Jennifer looked at me with a smile on her face. "Well Ethan, I admire you for not waiting to admit the truth." She smiled. "So, what does this mean?" I asked. "I don't see the problem with you liking me. I mean, I won't give you an answer anytime soon, but, I'm willing to give you a chance and ask me out." She smiled. I looked to the side and took a massive deep breath. "Are you ok, Ethan?" She asked. "Don't worry, I'm ok. I'm just glad I got this off my shoulder." I smiled. "Well, I'm glad for you." She smiled back at me.

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