Chapter 18: Someone I Can't Live Without

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Jennifer's POV

Ever since Ethan and I graduated from college and found good jobs, we haven't really been able to catch up with our friends. So, we decided to all go out, I have a girls night with my friends, and he has a boys night with his friends. I decided to call my friends Kyra, Keren, Danielle, and Alex to come join me. I haven't seen theses girls in a long time and I thought that it was perfect that I can have the time to catch up with them. The girls met up at my house while Ethan, Grayson, and their friends met up at their house. Before we started our girls night, we sat down in my living room and had a chat.

"So Jennifer, it's been a long time since we last saw each other." Keren says. "Yeah I know. I've just been really busy with so many things lately." I reply. "So how are you and Ethan?" Kyra asks. "We're doing great. We just celebrated our 5 year anniversary in Los Angeles, and we had a great time." I smile. "Awwww that's so cute. You guys are seriously my couple goals, and I'm not kidding." Alex giggles. "Awwww Alex you're too sweet." We laughed. 30 minutes later, we got in my car and left for our night out. I had no idea where we would stop, but I decided that the first stop we'd make would be the mall. The girls and I went our separate ways because we all have different tastes when it comes to shopping. After two full hours of shopping, the girls and I met at the food court to discuss what we bought. "So did you guys find anything you like?" I ask. "Yeah, there were a lot of stuff that I was waiting to come out, and I had no idea that they would come out today." Danielle smiles. "That's great." I smile back. "Do you guys want to get some lunch here, or go somewhere else?" I ask the girls. "Anywhere is fine. It doesn't matter to me." Kyra replies. "Ok then, well, I have somewhere planned that we can eat." I smile as the girls and I walked to the car to drive to the next place.

10 minutes later, we arrived at one of our favorite places ever to eat, Chipotle. The girls and I would always eat here when we come to the mall. We all got our orders and sat together at a booth. "So what's new with you guys?" I ask. "Ohh nothing much, still the same." We all giggled in unison. "So guys, I have a feeling about something." I tell the girls. "About what?" Keren asks. "Well, I have a feeling that Ethan is going to propose to me soon." I say as I cover my mouth. "Wait...... WHAT!?" The girls scream. The people started to stare but then shortly looked away. "Because during our vacation, he was always saying these sweet and kind messages to me, which had me thinking that he's going to propose to me anytime soon." I reply. "When do you think he'll propose to you?" Danielle asks. "To be honest, I have no idea." I reply. "Do you want him to propose to you?" Alex asks. "Of course I do, but he can take his time. I'm not going to rush him." I replied.

------2 weeks later------

It was a chill morning at my house. I invited the girls over to have some breakfast with me. Out of everyone in the group, Kyra is my best friend. Fun fact: I grew up with Kyra and I knew her since 1st grade. I met Kyra when I was about 5 or 6 years old, because I lived in Montana for 5 years, and then Utah for 5 years, and my parents are really good friends with Kyra's Mom and Dad, so we would be at their house almost twice a week and I would be hanging out with Kyra. For breakfast I decided to make bacon, egg, and cheese in a bagel. The girls and I probably had about two bagels each. We were so full, we laid flat on the couch and just watched some tv for the rest of our morning. "Hey girls, why don't you stay for lunch? We can go out and eat or we can stay here at my place and I can make lunch for us." I tell the girls. "That sounds great. Umm, it doesn't really matter to me actually, but it'll be nice if we go out to eat for lunch today because we don't really get to hang out much." Danielle laughs. "Well, yeah that's true. Where do you want to eat?" I ask. "I was thinking we could go to Nandos." Keren laughs. "Ok awesome, I've been wanting to have Nandos for a long time." I laugh. The girls and I grabbed our things, got in my car, and we headed over to Nandos.

The girls and I arrived at Nandos near the mall. We had so much to eat, we couldn't even walk. To burn off the calories, we decided to walk around the mall. We walked around for 2 hours straight, then went home. The girls went back to their houses/apartments while I went back inside to fix things around the house. After that, I pretty much spent the rest of the day watching TV and taking naps. Later in the day around 7 pm, I got a text from Grayson. It read, *Hey Jennifer! Ethan wanted me to let you know that he wants you to wear the most prettiest dress you have and meet him at Providence. And don't worry, my Mom and I will be the ones to bring you there. -Grayson* When I read Grayson's text, I honestly had no clue what Ethan was up to, but, I guess I can figure it out. I wore my dress that had a gold top and a pinkish red bottom and I wore the silver stilettos that I received as a gift from my Mom. After I got dressed, I went to the boys' house. I knocked on the door and it was opened by Ethan and Grayson's Mom. "Wow, my you look beautiful, Jennifer." Their Mom smiled and she gives me a hug. "Awww thank you Mrs. Dolan." I smile. Grayson walks out, and is wearing a tuxedo. "Looking good, best friend!." I smiled. "You ready to go?" Grayson smiles. "Ready as I ever will be." I smile back as I grab Grayson's arm.

------30 minutes later------

We arrived at Providence, and when we stopped, I couldn't stop talking about how beautiful the place was. "Wow, this place is beautiful." I awed. Grayson assisted me out of the car and we walked to the entrance of the restaurant. Grayson whispered to his Mom to text Ethan to tell him that we're here. Grayson opened the door for me as I slowly let go of his hand. I gave Grayson and his Mom a hug and walked inside. I walked up to the reception desk. "Hi, is anyone reserved under Ethan Dolan?" I ask the host. "Yes ma'am." The host replies. "Ok thank you." I say as I go to find where Ethan was. All of a sudden, the music stopped playing. I noticed that the people in the restaurant were all looking at Ethan, and then stopped and looked at me. I saw a tall, handsome guy wearing a tuxedo standing in the back. I knew that was Ethan because I recognized the earring that he was wearing. I approached Ethan. "Babe, what is all of this?" I ask. "Well my Love, this was all planned, and my Mom and Grayson were involved with this too." Ethan replied as he slowly bent down on his knees. I was too shocked to say any words. "Jennifer, ever since I met you in high school, I knew that you were the one for me. And ever since you said yes to be my girlfriend, I couldn't be more happier than I ever was. And now, I want you to be with me forever. Jennifer Melissa Hood, will you marry me?" Ethan says as I started to tear up. I didn't even need to think about it.

"Yes. I will marry you Ethan Dolan." I shout as Ethan spins me around. Ethan all of a sudden dips me and leans in for a kiss. Everyone clapped as they were very excited for Ethan and I. As the night came to a close, Ethan and I stopped by their house to tell his family the good news. "Here come the lovebirds." Their Dad says as he opens the door for Ethan and I. "So, how was your night guys?" Their Mom asks. "Well...." Ethan pauses as he grabs my hand and shows the guys. "We're engaged!" Ethan and I say in unison. "Wow, all I can say is, congratulations guys." Grayson smiles. "Thank you Gray." I smile back. As I ended my night back at my place, I got ready for bed and sat down on the couch. I grabbed my phone and posted a picture on Instagram that was taken of Ethan and I together, with my new ring.

*I can't believe this magical moment happened in the blink of an eye. I'm now on the road to being Mrs. Ethan Dolan (ring emoji) (heart emoji)*

(A.N. - I will have a picture above of what the ring would look like and what the box looked like that the ring came in.)

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