Chapter 15: One-On-One Time With My Parents

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Jennifer's POV

Our parents are here for one more week, and I want to make the most of their trip, by taking them to some of my favorite places here in New Jersey. Calum couldn't come with us, unfortunately, because he has to fly over to California with Michael, Luke, and Ashton to work on new music. As for me, I really wanted to have some time alone with my parents, since Calum gets to hang out with them more often than I do, so this was definitely a perfect timing. "Hey Mom, Dad, since Calum is away in Cali with the boys, where do you want to go? I'll tour you guys around New Jersey." I smiled. "Awww that's very sweet of you, honey. Well, we'll go anywhere you take us." Mom smiled. "What do you say, Dad?" I smiled. "I agree with your Mom. We'll go anywhere you take us." He replied. "Ok then. Grab your stuff, and we're heading out now." I smiled as I went to go grab my bag, phone, and car keys, and my parents followed shortly after.

------A few minutes later------

We arrived at our first destination, Thomas Edison National Historical Park. I honestly love coming to this place because there is always one new thing that I learn about Thomas Edison every time I come here. When we got there, we came to see that there was a good amount of people visiting at this hour. We toured around the site and saw a lot of things that Thomas Edison did throughout his life when he lived in New Jersey. After that, we went somewhere to eat for lunch. During lunch, my Dad asked me a few questions about me and Ethan. "So sweetie, what made you fall in love with Ethan?" He asked. "Well, what made me love Ethan, and fall in love with him was the fact that he cares so much about his family, as well as his friends, and his fans. And that was the one thing that I look for in a boyfriend." I smiled. "So, how did Ethan eventually win your heart?" Mom smiled. "Well, he asked me out for literally 3 months straight, and the fact that he was willing to wait for my answer, really showed how much he loves me, and I love him back of course, so that's how he won my heart." I smiled. "You know what, honey? I really, really love Ethan for you. He seems like an awesome guy, and the perfect one for you." Mom smiled. "I honestly agree with your mother, Jennifer. Ethan seems like a sweet guy, and that he wouldn't hurt you. And it's also a plus because you have his brother as your best friend, so you have two people to protect you." Dad smiled. "Thank you both. I'm honestly so happy that you both really like Ethan for me." I smiled as I continued my day with my parents.

(A.N. - Jennifer continued the day with her parents by taking them out to most of her favorite places around New Jersey, like various parks and monuments that she loves to go to.)

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