Chapter 16: Getting To Know Her Parents

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Ethan's POV

Since I want to get to know my girlfriend more, I decided that I wanted to set a day where I go to her parents a lot more. Since I already got to know her brother, Calum, it would be best to also get to know her Mom and Dad. I got in contact with Jennifer's Mom and asked her when they were free, and she gladly said that I can come over tomorrow. It kind of sounds a little too soon, but, it's better to be too soon than never.

------The Next Day------

It is the day that I am set to meet with Jennifer's parents at their house, and I'm actually really nervous. I've obviously met her parents before, but actually getting to know her parents more, makes me really nervous. I got myself ready and headed over to Jennifer's house where her parents are staying. When I got to her house, I sat in my car for a few minutes and thought about some things for a little. After a few minutes went by, I got out of my car and walked up to the door. I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer. When one minute went by, I started to hear the door handle moving. When the door opened, it was Jennifer's brother Calum who greeted me. "Hey Ethan, come on in." He said. I walked with Calum to where their parents were waiting outside in the back yard. "Mom, Dad, Ethan is here." Calum said. They turned around and gave me a smile. "Hello Ethan, have a seat." Their Mom smiled. I smiled and took a seat in the chair across from them. "So, what made you decide to talk to us?" Their Dad asked. "Well, since your daughter is my girlfriend, and I already got to know her brother, I wanted to get to know you guys more." I smiled. "That's very nice of you, that you want to get to know us more." Their Mom replied.

"So, what do you want to know from us?" Their Mom asked. "Well, whatever you guys want me to know." I replied. "Well, there's not much about us that we can really tell, but all we can really say is that we both love our children very, very much." Their Mom said. "Calum grew up as an only child for about a year & a half, when we decided to have another child, and when he found out that he was having a baby sister, he was so excited." Their Dad smiled. "And when I gave birth to Jennifer, he wouldn't take his eyes off of her. He was so mesmerized by his baby sister, he smiled all the time. And now those two are inseparable. And since they both have a house together, I just always believed that they would be successful." Their Mom replied. "That's really amazing to hear. I've seen how well Jennifer gets along with her brother, and it's just so great to see." I smiled.

(A.N. - Ethan continued to talk outside with Jennifer's parents and got to know them and their family a little more, which is how Ethan wanted everything to be.)

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