Chapter 6: A Dolan Falling For A Hood

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Grayson's POV

It was great getting to hang out with Jennifer during part of our winter break. Ethan and I have decided that we would go spend the rest of our winter break in the Santa Monica/Venice Beach area, since there are a lot of fun things to do over there. We rented out a hotel for one week, since we leave for New Jersey again on Sunday to be back in time for school on Monday. On Monday, we spent the whole entire day at the Third Street Promenade, shopping for new things to bring back to New Jersey. We shopped at stores like Urban Outfitters, Express, Hot Topic, PacSun, Forever 21, H&M, and Abercrombie & Fitch. Both of us ended up buying so many new clothes, including some new pairs of shoes. After we were done shopping, we went back to our apartment and started packing up our new things just so we're prepared for when we leave next week.

On Tuesday, we walked from our apartment to Venice Beach to spend some time swimming at the beach, and maybe some tanning if we have time. When we got to the beach, there was a good amount of people there, but not too much. We found our spots and set our stuff down and ran in the water. The water felt so amazing, it wasn't too cold or too hot. It was just right. We literally stayed in the water for almost 4 hours, but it was time to get out and relax, so we got on our beach chairs and started tanning. Ethan and I tanned on each side for 1 hour. After we were both done tanning, we grabbed our things and walked back to our apartment. When we got to the apartment, I started noticing that Ethan was acting a little weird. I noticed that he was walking back & forth from his room to the bathroom. "Dude, are you ok? You're acting a little weird right now." I told Ethan. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why would you say that I'm acting weird?" He asked. "Well, ever since we met up with Jennifer, and until now, you've been acting really weird." I replied. "Grayson, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Ethan said.

------3 days later------

It is now Friday, and we sadly leave to go back to New Jersey on Sunday. On our second last full day, we decided to hang out with some friends while we still have time. We contacted some of our friends that still live here in California and met up with them somewhere that is convenient for all of us. We met up with our friends Jack Gilinsky and Jack Johnson at the Santa Monica Pier. The pier is about a 15 minute walk from our apartment, so we got ourselves ready and started making our way there. As we were walking to the pier, we were stopped by some fans who spotted us along the way. We smiled and took pictures with every single fan that we came across. Once we got to the pier, we stopped by a small food place to get something to eat while we wait for them. 2o minutes went by, and we spotted Jack and Jack from a distance. Once we met up, we said our hellos and began our hangout. We played a bunch of games and rode almost all the rides the pier had, and we looked into the gift shops as well. After this long day, we all decided that it was time to go back home and relax for the rest of the night. Jack and Jack also had to leave because they had a few things to work on.

------Saturday Morning------

It is the day before we leave for New Jersey, so Ethan and I decided to finish packing all of our stuff so we wouldn't have to worry about packing anything tomorrow. Our flight is at 9:45 Sunday morning, so we finished packing mostly all of our stuff today. There may be a few things that we'll have to finish packing up tomorrow morning, but that's ok.

Ethan's POV

Grayson and I leave to go back to New Jersey tomorrow morning, so we're finishing up most of our packing today so we wouldn't have to worry about it tomorrow morning. I was almost done with my packing, when I stopped in my tracks and thought about a certain someone. Immediately, I started smiling, and I couldn't stop. All of a sudden, I heard someone knocking on my door. "Ethan, is everything ok in there?" I heard the person say. It was Grayson knocking on my door. I immediately went blank and walked towards the door. When I opened the door, Grayson was full on staring at me. "Why are you looking at me like that, Ethan?" I asked. "Ethan, tell me. Is everything ok with you? Because you've seriously been acting so weird this whole week." Grayson said. "Gray, I've told you so many times already. I'm fine." I replied. "No Ethan, you're not. I can tell that something is going on in your head. What is it?" Grayson asked. "It's nothing. I'm fine." I said. "Ethan, I'm not leaving your room until you tell me what is going on." Grayson said. "Ok fine. I think I'm in love with her." I said. "In love with who?" Grayson asked. "Jennifer." I replied. "Wait, Jennifer? As in, Jennifer Hood, your best friend?" He asked.

"Yes. Jennifer Hood." I replied. "Seriously, Ethan? How are you going to tell her that you like her?" Grayson asked. "To be honest, I don't know. And I don't even know if I'm going to tell her. She might think that I'm crazy or something." I replied. "Dude, why would she think you're crazy?" He asked. "Well, we've been best friends for a pretty long time now, and it's just really weird that I ended up falling in love with my best friend." I replied. "Ethan, there shouldn't be anything to stop you from loving the girl you love." Grayson said. "I don't know, dude. It's going to be hard for me if I tell her." I replied. "Well, there's only one way to find out. You have to tell her how you really feel, Ethan." Grayson replied. "I don't know, Grayson. It's going to be really hard to tell her." I replied.

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