Chapter 4: Seeing Great Friends & Being With Family

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------A few months later------

Jennifer's POV

Winter break has just started, and Calum and I decided to spend my winter break in California this year instead of staying in New Jersey. We wanted to be with our parents whenever we get the time, so this winter break is perfect. I started packing my things and set it by the door while I waited for Calum to finish packing his stuff. After Calum was finished packing, we brought our things to my car and drove to the airport. When we arrived at the airport, we were both immediately crowded by some fans, mainly of Calum's fans. "Calum, go ahead. Take pictures with them. You can just catch up with me later." I smiled as I told Calum. I grabbed the bags and went inside the airport to check them in. After 10 minutes went by, I saw Calum walking in and looking for me. I waved my hand so he could see me, which he did. "How was it meeting your fans?" I smiled. "It was awesome!! They were really sweet. And they were actually asking for you, too." Calum said. "Really? Why were they asking for me?" I asked. "They really wanted to meet you." Calum smiled. "Awww that's really sweet." I replied. "Did you check our bags in?" He asked. "Yes I did. Now all we have to do is go through security and head to our gate." I smiled.

As we were going through security, we were spotted by the same fans that saw us outside earlier. I saw them wave at Calum and I, and I waved back at them. When I saw their reactions, I was really happy. "Calum, it's them again. We should go say hi." I smiled. Calum looked over and saw the girls, which made him smile. "I think that's a good idea." He smiled as we walked over to where they were. Once we got there, the girls started freaking out. "Hi girls. I'm sorry if I didn't say hi to you guys earlier. I just wanted to get our things checked in as fast as we could." I replied. "It's ok. Are you guys headed somewhere?" One of the girls asked. "Yes. We're going to California for my winter break." I smiled. "That's awesome! By the way Jennifer, if you don't mind me asking, is it true that you're friends with the Dolan Twins?" The other girl asked. "Yes, it's true. I'm friends with both Ethan and Grayson." I replied. "Speaking of Grayson and Ethan, I heard that they're also going to Cali at this time." Calum said. "Really? They never mentioned to me that they're going to Cali." I replied. "Well, I guess they wanted to keep it a surprise from you." Calum laughed.

------6 hours later------

We have finally arrived in California and we grabbed our luggages from baggage claim and waited outside for our parents to pick us up. After 10 minutes of waiting, we spotted the car that Calum and I grew up with. It parked right next to us, and we saw our parents come out of the car. "There are my babies! I missed you guys so much." Mom said as she gave Calum and I a hug. "We missed you so much too, Mom." Calum smiled. "How is New Jersey so far?" Dad asked. "It's going great! And so far, my new school is amazing." I smiled. "Speaking of New Jersey, I was able to talk to your new friends, Ethan and Grayson Dolan, and they wanted to send a surprise to you." Mom smiled. "What's this surprise of theirs that they have?" I laughed. "Turn around." Mom smiled.

I turned around, and there they were. "Surprise!" Ethan and Grayson screamed in unison. "Ethan! Grayson! What are you two doing here?" I screamed as I ran up to them and gave them a hug. "Well, we wanted to surprise you. So, here we are." Ethan smiled. "I'm so happy to see you guys." I smiled as I hugged them again. "Sis, go ahead and hang out with them. I know you've missed them a lot." Calum smiled. "Seriously, I love you guys. Thank you." I smiled as I gave my family a hug. "We'll take your bags." Grayson said as he and Ethan grabbed my bags and brought them to their car. "I'll see you guys later tonight." I smiled as I waved goodbye to them and I got in Ethan and Grayson's car. "So what's up guys? What are you doing in Cali?" I asked the twins. "We're here for winter break, and to look at some career opportunities here." Grayson replied. "What about you?" Ethan asked. "I'm here for winter break too, and to visit my parents." I smiled. "So, where are we going?" I asked. "Somewhere fun." Grayson smiled. After a 20 minute drive, we arrived at the destination. I looked out the window to see that we were in Santa Monica. "OMG! This is my favorite place ever! I would always come here growing up!" I screamed with excitement. "Well, Grayson and I found out that you are a pro at the famous "rings" of Venice Beach." Ethan giggled. "Well, that is true. Want to challenge me, Mr. Grayson Dolan?" I laughed. "Well, challenged accepted, Miss. Jennifer Hood." Grayson laughed. We got out of the car and walked our way over to the beach.

Luckily I had some extra chalk to put on my hands so I don't get blisters on my palms. "Wow, you really are a pro. You even have chalk in your bag." Grayson laughed. "You always have to be prepared, Grayson." I laughed as I jumped and grabbed the first ring. "Time me?" I said. Ethan grabbed his phone and put a timer on. "Ready, set, go!" He shouted. I quickly made my way through the rings with no problems. Once I reached the last ring and jumped down, Ethan stopped his clock. "Wow. 10 seconds." Grayson said with shock. I slapped my hands together to wipe off the extra chalk that was on my hands. "Can you beat that, Mr. Dolan?" I said with a smirk. "We'll see about that." Grayson said as he used some of my chalk and jumped up to the first ring. "Ok ready, get set, go!" Ethan shouted as he started the timer and Grayson went through the rings. He was struggling a little bit towards the middle, but he still managed to handle them. As he jumped off from the last ring, Ethan stopped the timer. "Bro, that was 25 seconds too late. I guess my best friend is the best." Ethan smiled as he looked over at me and signaled for a high-five.

(A.N. - Jennifer, Ethan, and Grayson continued to have an amazing time in Santa Monica, enjoying the pier and the extra fun activities that were going on around the beach and at the stores along the boardwalk. Ethan and Grayson also stayed for a little bit at Jennifer's parents' house and got to know her family a little more.)

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