Chapter 8: Telling My Brother Calum

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Jennifer's POV

After Ethan told me that he had feelings for me, honestly, I never saw a problem with Ethan liking me. From the beginning, since Ethan and I became friends, I had a feeling that he liked me because ever since I moved to New Jersey and I went to my new school and when Ethan was the one to show me where my classes were, he's been giving me strange looks. But, such a guy like Ethan, he's a super sweet person. One day after school, I texted Grayson and asked him to meet up with me. He replied saying that he's glad to meet up with me.

------A few days later------

It is now Saturday morning/afternoon, and today is when I'm going to meet up with Grayson. We decided to meet up at the Starbucks in the mall near my house. It's not too far from Grayson either, which is a good thing. When I got to the mall, I walked to Starbucks and got a drink while I was waiting for Grayson. After 10 minutes passed, I noticed Grayson in distance who was walking towards me. I waved so he could see me. Once he saw me, he sat in the seat in front of me. "Hey Jennifer, what's up?" He said. "Nothing much, how about you?" I replied. "Same goes for me." He replied. "So, what did you want to meet up with me for?" Grayson asked. "Well, I wanted to ask you something, about your brother Ethan." I replied. "Ok. What about Ethan?" He asked. "A few days ago at school, he admitted to me that he has feelings for me." I told Grayson. "Yeah. I'm the only person he's told about that." Grayson replied. "How did you react to when he told you?" He asked. "It honestly didn't matter to me. I'm never rude when it comes to something like that." I replied. "So, are you ok with my brother asking you out?" Grayson asked. "I mean, it's not a problem with me." I told Grayson. "Because he's been telling me that he wants to ask you out on a date on Monday." Grayson said. "He also told me not to tell you about it, but, you're a good friend of mine, and I would never want to keep secrets from you." Grayson replied. "I'm just worried about what my brother Calum is going to say." I said. "You haven't told your brother yet?" Grayson asked. "No, I haven't yet." I replied. "Are you planning on telling him?" Grayson asked. "I mean, of course I'll tell him. I actually plan on telling him when I get home after this." I replied.

------A few hours later------

It has been a few hours since I met up with Grayson, and I just arrived home. And sure enough, Calum is home. And it's fun because his girlfriend Destini came over to visit him, as well as me. I parked my car in the garage and walked in the house to greet Destini and Calum. "Hey Calum. Hi Destini." I smiled. "Hi Jennifer. How was your day?" Destini asked. "It was great. How was yours?" I replied. "Calum, do you mind if I speak with you really quick?" I asked my brother. "Yeah sure. I'll leave you here for now, Des." Calum smiled as he walked with me to an area of the house where only us two would hear the conversation. "What did you want to tell me?" Calum asked. "So, you remember my best friend Ethan Dolan?" I said. "Yes of course. He's a cool guy. What about him?" He replied. "Well, he told me at school a few days ago that he has feelings for me." I said. "Ohh. And what did you say?" He asked. "Well, I didn't want to be rude and say that he can't have feelings for me, so I just told him that I was fine with him having feelings for me. I wasn't going to answer him right away, but I'm going to let him ask me out." I replied. "Well, that's good. I know I didn't help raise you to be a rude person." Calum smiled.

"Also, I met up with his twin brother Grayson earlier, and he told me that Ethan is planning on asking me out on a date on Monday." I told Calum. He just gave me a look, but it turned into a smile really quick. "What's with your smile, Calum?" I asked. "Well, since you and Ethan have been friends for a good while now, I wouldn't see the problem with him asking you out." He smiled. "Are you sure, Calum? Because if it's not ok with you, then I'll understand." I replied. "Sis, it's totally fine with me." Calum smiled. "And yes, I will let you go on the date with Ethan on Monday." He said. "Thanks Calum. Thank you." I smiled.

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