Chapter 5: Falling In Love With A Dolan?

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Jennifer's POV

It was nice getting to hang out with Grayson and Ethan when I got to California. But, they had more important things to worry about, so I let them do their thing. Now I can focus on being with my brother and my parents. Calum had some things to do while we were in California, like work on recording some songs with Michael, Ashton, and Luke. So I was left alone with our Mom and Dad, which I wouldn't mind staying with them. "So Mom, Dad, what do you guys want to do today?" I smiled. "Well, since your brother is out recording, what could we do?" Dad asked. "Well, there's a ton of things to do here in California." I laughed. "Well, we could go to El Matador State Beach in Malibu, if you guys haven't been there yet." I smiled. "No, we haven't gone there yet. Let's go there then." Mom smiled. I changed into a comfortable outfit and grabbed my purse, threw my phone inside, grabbed the car keys and we all got in the car and drove to El Matador State Beach. It's about a 1 hour and 11 minute drive from LA, so we made the most of our trip and sang along to songs by my brother's band 5 Seconds of Summer, as well as some classic songs that my parents would listen to.

------1 hour, 11 minutes later------

We finally made it! I personally have never been to El Matador State Beach before either, so this is a great experience for me, and I also get to experience it with my wonderful parents. I parked the car somewhere where it would be close access just in case we need to leave early or something. "Ok, is there anywhere you guys want to go?" I asked. "Well, we could do some shopping here, if there are any stores we can go to." Mom suggested. "That sounds like a good idea to me." Dad smiled. "Ok, let's go see if there are some shops here we could look at." I smiled as we walked to where all the people are. "I don't think there are any shops here, sweetie." Mom said. "Yeah, I don't think there are. Do you guys want to go to a mall or something?" I suggested. "Sounds good to us." Dad smiled. "Ok. But first, we have to take a picture at this beautiful beach first." I smiled. We walked around to find a good place to take a picture and I kindly asked someone to take our picture. After the picture was taken, we looked at the pictures that were taken to see if they turned out good. "They turned out great, honey!" Mom smiled. "Yes they really did!" I smiled. As we were walking back to the car, I decided to post one of the pictures on Instagram. *Couldn't have spent this day better than with my amazing parents (heart emoji) Missing you, Calum (heart emoji)*, which I also tagged the location of El Matador State Beach for the picture. After I posted the picture, we sat in the car for a few minutes to quickly look for some place that we could go to while we're here in Malibu. "Do you guys want to go to Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica?" I suggested. "That sounds fun! Let's go there!" Mom smiled.

------40 minutes later------

We finally arrived at the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, and it looks like so much fun here. There were so many stores and various shops that we could go to and look around in. "Mom, Dad, do you guys want to shop anywhere?" I asked. "We can just look around for now. We'll find something eventually." Dad smiled. My parents and I were walking around for about 30 minutes before we found somewhere to sit and take a rest. "So honey, can I ask you an honest question?" Dad asked. "Sure Dad, what is it?" I replied. "How good of friends are you with the Dolans, Ethan and Grayson?" He asked. "Ohh Dad, Ethan is my best friend, and Grayson is one of my good friends that I can really trust." I smiled. "Well, I can tell that something is up with you when you're around them." Dad said. "What do you mean by that, Dad?" I asked. "Well, when they came to pick you up at the airport, I could tell with the expression in your face that, you are in love." He said. "Dad, they're my friends. I'm not in love with them. If I would ever be in love with them, that love is shown with friendship." I replied. "What your Dad also means sweetie is that, he wouldn't mind if you fall in love with any of them." Mom said. "Wait really, Dad?" I looked at my Dad. "Well, Ethan or Grayson seem like nice guys. And since you guys get along so well, I wouldn't see a problem if you ended up with any one of them." Dad smiled.

"Thanks Dad, that means a lot." I smiled.

(A.N. - Jennifer and her parents continued to spend the rest of the day in Santa Monica. They went home and enjoyed a nice family dinner, together with her parents and her brother, Calum).

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