Chapter 10: Welcome To The Dolan Family

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*Continued from Chapter 9...*

Ethan's POV

There was a crowd standing around Jennifer's locker, as well as me. After a few minutes went by, I started noticing that the crowd was splitting open. I then saw Jennifer walking towards everyone and her locker. When she came to her locker, she was staring at everyone and why they were surrounding her locker. "Ethan, why are there a lot of people around my locker?" She asked. "Umm, well, they're here because they wanted to support when asking you this final question, after 3 months of trying." I replied. She looked around at everyone as they were holding up signs that said, "Jennifer Hood, Will You..." I then gave Jennifer the signal to open her locker. Right as she opened her locker, the last sign was there. "Be My Girlfriend?", the last sign read. A bunch of balloons came flying out. When I saw Jennifer's face, she was so happy. "Ethan, this is really sweet of you." She looked at me and smiled. The crowd surrounding us all had smiles on their faces when they saw Jennifer smile. "So Jennifer, what do you say?" One of the people in the crowd asked. "Are you going to say yes to Ethan?" Another asked. "Well, whatever your answer is, you can put that answer on this piece of paper." I said as I pulled the piece of paper from my pocket and handed it to her.

Jennifer grabbed a pen from her locker and used a book she had in her locker as padding to write her answer. Right as she wrote her answer, she folded up the piece of paper and handed it to me. And all she did was smile at me the whole time she was looking at me. I slowly opened the paper, and when I saw the answer, I couldn't contain my excitement. "Ladies and Gentlemen of Central High School, Jennifer Hood is now, my girlfriend!" I screamed as I gave Jennifer the tightest hug in my life.

------A few hours later; At my house------

I was so excited to reveal to my parents and my brother Grayson that I have a girlfriend. And of course, I had to bring Jennifer with me. As I was parking in the driveway, I noticed that Jennifer was looking a little nervous. "Jennifer, are you ok?" I asked as I reached over and held her hand. "Yeah I'm ok. I just feel a little nervous for some reason." She replied. "Don't worry. Grayson loves you, being his best friend, and of course, my parents love you!" I smiled as we got out of the car and walked towards the house. "You stay here, and I'll call you when it's time." I smiled as I left Jennifer by the door to go talk to Grayson and my parents. "Hey guys, I'm home!" I said as I walked into the family room where they were. "Hey sweetie. How was school today?" Mom asked. "It was, amazing!" I replied. "It looks like something special happened. Can you share that with us, honey?" Mom smiled. "Well... Mom, Dad, and Grayson, I have some great news to share with you." I smiled. "What is it, Ethan?" Dad replied. "I am so happy to share with you guys that, I have a girlfriend." I smiled with relief. "Ohh sweetie, that's amazing!" Mom smiled. "Son, we're so happy for you. So, who's the special girl?" Dad smiled. "Well, she's actually here with me. Let me go get her!" I smiled as I ran to the front door. "Jennifer, it's time!" I smiled as I held her hand. "Mom, Dad, Grayson, meet my girlfriend. Jennifer Hood." I smiled as I brought Jennifer in the room.

My parents and Grayson were so happy when I brought Jennifer in the room. "Best friend! What's up?" Grayson smiled as he came up to hug Jennifer. "I'm doing great." She smiled. "Jennifer, sweetie, it's so great to see that you made my son happy today." Mom said as she stood up to greet Jennifer. When my Dad stood up, his words made my day even more special. "Welcome to the Dolan Family, Jennifer." Dad smiled as he hugged Jennifer. "Thank you guys so much for welcoming me into your family." Jennifer smiled. "You are always welcome. Again, welcome to our family." Mom said. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Dolan." She smiled. "You don't have to call me Mrs. Dolan. Call me, Mom." Mom smiled. "Thank you, Mom." Jennifer smiled. "And you don't need to call me Mr. Dolan. Just call me, Dad." Dad replied. "Thank you, Dad." Jennifer smiled. "Welcome to the family, my new sister/best friend." Grayson smiled as he hugged Jennifer. "Thanks, Gray." She smiled.

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