Chapter 13: Quality Time With My Better Half

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Jennifer's POV

Going on vacation with Ethan, Grayson, and their parents was such a fun time. But now, it's back to reality for me and Ethan. It's time for our senior year of high school to begin. Ethan and I went to pick up our schedules together, and we looked at each other's schedules to see if we had any classes together. Luckily we have two classes together, being History and English. After we got our schedules, we decided to drop by my house and hang out for a little bit. And it was nice because my brother Calum just got back from tour a few days ago, and his girlfriend Destini came over to visit us. When we got to my house, Calum's car was parked in the driveway, as well as Destini's car, so I just parked behind Calum and walked inside with Ethan. When we got inside the house, Calum was doing something in the living room while Destini was doing something in the kitchen. "Calum, Ethan and I are here!" I shouted. I heard footsteps coming towards my direction. "Hey guys! Did you get your schedules?" Calum asked. "Yes we did, and we have History and English again together." I smiled. "That's awesome!" He smiled. "Calum, is it ok if Ethan hangs out for a little?" I asked Calum. "Of course he can! He's family now, so you can come over whenever you'd like." He smiled. "Thank you." Ethan smiled. "Do you guys want anything to eat? Destini is making some sandwiches." Calum said. "Yeah sure." I smiled as Ethan nodded his head. We sat down in the kitchen and waited while Destini was making the sandwiches. "Here are your guys' sandwiches." Destini smiled as she gave me and Ethan a sandwich. "Thanks Des." I smiled. "You're very welcome." She smiled.

After Ethan and I were done with our sandwiches, we hung out for a little bit before I had to drop Ethan off at his house. When we pulled up to his house, Grayson was in the front yard doing some random thing. "Gray, what are you doing?" I laughed. "I'm helping Dad out with some yard work." He replied. "Ohh ok. We'll be back, we're just going to say hi to them inside." I said as I walked inside with Ethan. "Mom, Dad, I'm home!" Ethan shouted. "We're in the living room, sweetie." I heard Mom shout. We went to the living room to see Mom and Dad watching TV and preparing something. "It's so nice to see you Jennifer." Mom smiled. "It's always nice to see you and Dad." I smiled as I gave them hugs. "What are you guys making?" Ethan asked. "We're just preparing your lunch for tomorrow, if you want to bring some with you to school with you." Mom said. "Yeah sure, I'll bring some." Ethan smiled. "Would you like to bring some, Jennifer?" Dad asked. "Sure, I'd love to bring some." I smiled. While they prepared for tomorrow, Ethan and I went outside to hang out with Grayson. "So what's up Gray?" I smiled. "Nothing much, just finishing up this work for Dad." He replied. "How did your guys' day go? Were you guys able to get your schedules?" Grayson asked. "Yeah we were. We have History and English again together." I giggled. "It's funny how you guys end up having History and English together every year, since last year." Grayson laughed. "Yeah, I guess it means we're meant to be." Ethan giggled as he looked at me.

(A.N. - Jennifer continued to hang out with Ethan and Grayson before she had to go home and finish things with Calum and help him prepare things to look nice around the house, because their parents are visiting from California, so they want the house to look super nice for when their parents come over.)

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