Chapter 17: After All These Years

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------A few years later------

Jennifer's POV

During these past few years, it has been pretty crazy, but also fun. It's been 5 years, and so many things have happened. First thing, Ethan and I graduated from college, as well as Grayson, which we ended up going to the same college. Second thing, Ethan and I just celebrated our 4 years anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend, and those have been some of the best 4 years of my life. All three of us, Grayson, Ethan, and I, have been able to find successful jobs that relate to what we want to do. Well, sort of. Ethan and Grayson are sticking with working with YouTube, and as for me, I was able to find a job working for one of my favorite places ever, the Capitol Records building. Basically, my job is to greet all the artists that come in to record and lead them to where their recording studio will be for their session. And I'm honestly blessed to have that job because I've always admired the building and its structure, so it works out for me.

My first day on the job went pretty well. All I did was pretty simple. I stayed at the front desk and greeted everyone that would come in. No artists were scheduled to have a recording session today, which was ok with me. I wasn't expecting to see a lot of artists every single day. But today, someone did drop by the studio to come and visit me. "Hello, may I visit Jennifer Hood please?" The voice said. "This is her you're speaking to..." I paused and looked up, to see Ethan with a bag in his hand. "Ethan, what are you doing here?" I laughed. "Well, I came to visit you of course." He smiled. "What do you have in your hand?" I asked. "I brought you some lunch." He smiled. "Thank you." I smiled as I took the lunch from Ethan. "So what time do you get off today?" He asked. "Well, I actually get off, right about now." I smiled. "Perfect. We can eat the lunch I bought together." Ethan smiled. I signed out of work and left with Ethan to eat lunch with him.

After Ethan and I were done eating lunch together, we decided to go to the mall and hang out for a little. Once we got there, we were stopped by some people. "You're Ethan Dolan, and Jennifer Hood, right?" The person asked. "Yes, we are." Ethan replied. "Oh my gosh, I love you both! You guys are amazing together!" She screamed. "Awww, that's very sweet of you. What's your name?" I smiled. "My name is Samantha." She smiled. "It's so great to see you Samantha." Ethan smiled. After we talked with Samantha, we went inside the mall and walked around for a little bit. As we were walking around, we saw some things that we wanted/needed, so we had to buy them. After 2 hours went by, we left the mall and decided to head over to my house. When we got there, I noticed a strong smell coming from the house. "It smells really good. I wonder what that could be." I said. My parents are still in town until next week, so I think that Calum or my Dad might be grilling something in the backyard. "Mom, Dad, Calum, Ethan and I are here!" I shouted. When we walked towards the backyard, I saw Calum and my Dad cooking something on the grill, and my Mom was in the kitchen making something. "Hey guys! Good timing. We're about to have dinner. Ethan, do you want to stay for dinner?" Mom asked. "Sure, I'll be glad to stay." Ethan smiled. "Call Grayson too! Tell him he can come too!" Mom smiled.

(A.N. - Ethan stayed with Jennifer's family for dinner and he and Grayson enjoyed the night with Jennifer's family.)

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