background #3 | after everything

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I asked the women at the front desk if a Farkle was checked in but she said he had checked out two hours ago.

I called maya, "hey maya I'm at the hospital but Farkle isn't here anymore?"

"Yea zay we're at his house, come over"

"Okay I'm on my way"

I drove to Farkles house still trying to contact Lucas but he wasn't answering.

"Zay come in" maya opened the door,

"Where's Farkle?"

"On the couch" I walked to the living room and saw farkles leg in a cast, as well as having stitches on his forehead,

"Did Lucas do that?"

"Yea" farkle looked down, "and that's not all, I have a concussion, as well as a broken rib"

"Woah, dude I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault, don't apologize" seeing him beat up hurt and even worse is was done by Lucas. His bestfriend.

"Have you guys talked to Riley?" I asked.

"No." Maya kept looking down at her phone,

"No although she keeps blowing our phones up" farkle spoke up.

"Maybe you should answer" I said.

"Why" maya blurt out facing me.

"Give her time to explain" I knew things weren't going to go so well here. I should have stopped.

"Explain? What she did was selfish. She knew the whole time I liked him, She knew that he liked me. So why did she do it? To keep herself happy." Maya blurt.

"Maya. You can't just assume things! Maybe she had a reason! It's Riley she wouldn't do something like that on purpose." I was sort of getting angry.

"I'm not assuming anything, She told me so." Maya stood up.

"Maya you need to calm down it was just a question" I looked up at her.

"If you were just coming here to defend her why'd you came at all" I could tell she was hurt, I didn't want to add to the pain that wasn't my intention.

"I'm not here to defend her maya"

"That's all you're doing"

"I'm saying maybe she had a reason. Maya just.."

"No zay, just stop whatever you're trying to fix can't be. I can't forgive her for this."

"And what about her feelings!" I shouted.

"Her feelings?! She new what she was doing when she found out I loved Lucas and he loved me and farkle loved her! She chose what she is feeling now!" Maya shouted.

"Maya you're really getting on my nerves" I blurted. When I said that I noticed farkle sat up right, worried.

"She did this her whole relationship, four years zay. Four!"

"Maybe you're the bad friend here! You loved her boyfriend!" I instantly regretted what I said. I want them together everyone knows.

"But I hid those feelings didn't I!? I kept them a secret cause I wanted her to be happy. And I forgave her every time she'd come to me saying every single thing they'd done together because I thought she didn't know, but she did! How could you say I was the bad friend." Maya had tears.

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