The six mix | texas

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"Okay you guys ready?" I ask everyone as we walk out the door to the car,

"Yep" maya answers everyone follows,

"Okay go" I walk back in the house, "bye babe I'll see you in three days" I kiss Vanessa on the head, and walk out,

"Come on, the flights in an hour" Lucas groans from the passenger seat,

"We are almost there calm down" I make a sharp turn,

"Ow!" I look in the mirror and see that Riley fell cause of the turn, Farkle was laughing,

I started laughing too,

"Where are we staying?" Maya asks,

"Pappy joe's!" Lucas shouts, looking back at everyone rising his eyebrows, they all laugh,

"Can you hurry up, it's hot back here" smackle sits up,

"We are here!" They pop open the doors a file out of the car,

Here we go Texas!


On the plane Riley and zay were paired next to me and maya was sitting next to Farkle and Lucas, they were sitting in the middle row and us by the window so it was easy for all of us to still talk.

Riley fell asleep, on zay's shoulder,

"Old times" I say and laugh,

"Yeah, old times"

Me and zay sat there talking with the occasional interruption coming from the loudness on maya, Lucas and Farkle's side.


"Ranger rick calm yourself" I laugh,

"It's my turn" Farkle takes the phone from Lucas,

"You guys are like little kids" I push them,

"Calm yourself, I'm 22 years of age and a responsible adult" lucas shouts,

"In what universe" I roll my eyes,

"In this one" he laughs,

I turn my head to look at Farkle and he's looking at Riley with a small smile on his face. I remember that look, that's the look he'd give her when she was being adorable, or when he was falling more in love. Does he have feelings for Riley again? Does he love her again?



We're off of the plane and on our way to pappy joe's.

"We're in Texas!" Smackle yells,

"Woooo!" Maya shouts after,

"Calm down back there cowgirls" zay teases,

"Born and rise" maya teases back,

"Atta girl!" Riley laughs,

"Hey cowboys y'all gonna take us to a square dancing bar to have some real fun" maya leans to the front of the car,

"Of course, we are of age now" Lucas looks back and winks at her, she playfully rolls her eyes and laughs, i can't help but smile, I know she's my girlfriend but I'm not mad at this.

"It's so hot" Riley pretends to faint,

"Sorry it's cause I'm here" zay says fanning himself,

"We're here!" Lucas stops the car and hops out, "pappy joe we are here!"

A few moments later pappy joe walks onto the porch, the girls are walking towards him,

"Maya and Riley so good to see y'all again!" He smiles at them, "and who's this little lady" he looks at smackle,

"Smackle's the name sir" she smiles,

"Well good to meet you" pappy joe gestures for them to go in the house,

"Yea we'll just handle the bags!" Zay shouts towards the house,

"So rude" Lucas laughs, I laugh and grab some bags,

"You guys down to go out the first night?" Lucas says while taking out Maya's bag,

"I'm game" zay says, I nod,

I think I should talk to maya.


Do you want longer chapters again? Also thoughts?? Again input greatly appreciated.

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