background #4 | the big fight

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Riley? An email from Riley? Haha why would she email me we've been together all day.

"I need a session, the pressure of everything I've done is too much. High school is over and that's even more, there's pressure from parents, friends, others. Four years of knowing how they all feel. Knowing what I know. Knowing that my boyfriend and bestfriend have been in love with each other since the very beginning of my relationship. And that Farkle has been in love with me since even before that. And that I've recently started to feel the same toward Farkle or maybe I always have but lucas was the perfect princess story, I don't know. Basically I really need a session I need to talk to someone about all of this"

What the fuck is this? This obviously isn't meant for me. But she knew the whole time! She knew I loved her and knew that maya loved Lucas?

She knew! She knew and always told maya things, does she know how much times I would sit with her and take care of her while she cried! Only to find out she knew.

She had all three of us wrapped around her finger!

I walk out of the back room and into the main part of topanga's standing in the space between the counters and see Riley cleaning the table at the window, while Maya and Lucas are sitting on the couch laughing.

"Riley!" I shout holding my phone up,

"What?" She looks confused, "something science happen?"

"No this is an email that obviously wasn't meant for me!"

"Huh?" She takes a step towards me,

"Farkle you okay?" Maya gets up and stands behind the couch, Lucas is still sitting but turned to look at me,

"She knew! You knew Riley!" I throw my phone on the counter,

"Farkle" she has a scared expression on her face,

"She knew what Farkle?" Lucas stood up and was standing by the couch,

"She knew I loved her! And She knew maya loved Lucas!" When I said maya loved Lucas he looked at her confused, "and she knew that Lucas loved maya!" Maya met lucas' look both a little confused and yet you could see the happiness in their eyes,

"Farkle!" Riley shouted.

"They deserve to know that you are the reason we were all unhappy!" I yell,

"Farkle you had no right!" Riley throws the towel she has in her hands,

"Riley you knew?!" Maya shouts,

"Maya I'm so sorry!" Riley had tears in her eyes,

"After everything you did! I thought you didn't know and forgave you! And now I know that you knew the whole time and still did what you did!" Maya shouted,

"Riley.." Lucas just shook his head and looked away,

"I'm sorry" Riley cried some more, then walked out of the store. Maya runs after her.

*these next moments are at the same time*

"Farkle no matter what she did this wasn't right" Lucas wipes some tears,

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