background #5 | six months after everything

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"Maya! Maya!" I call to her from downstairs,

"What?" I see her peek her head around the wall,

"Come here" I lift up a bag, "I got you your food" she shouts yay and comes running down the stairs,

Then when she gets to the kitchen she kisses my cheek and grabs the food, we've been getting really close lately, and I think I'm starting to have feelings for maya, how could I not right. We've lived together for five months now, but she reminds me so much of Riley. Whenever she laughs I hear some of riley in her voice, or when she calls me by my name when she wants me to do something for her. She reminds me so much of Riley I feel like both are living here, I have feelings for maya.


Farkle is so sweet, and kind, even when I annoy him so much. He's also been going to the gym, he looks just like Lucas, ugh of course Lucas is in my head. Farkle has just been resembling him so much, I don't know what to do. His morning voice sounds like Lucas, deep and a little raspy, how can I forget Lucas when I'm around Farkle all the time,

"Maya can I ask you something?" I look up at Farkle with my mouth full of food, he chuckles when he looks at me,

"I'm guessing that means yes because you can't speak" he laughs again, I nod my head, and swallow my food,

"Well do you maybe... I don't know if this is to soon but... I think... can we? ... do you wanna go on a date with me?" He finishes,

"Like a date date?" I ask,

"Yea, not if it's to soom of course" well..

"Yea Farkle I would like to go on a date"

Maybe I don't have to forget Lucas after all,


How their relationship started. Do you get what this means?

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