the six mix #1 | bar brawl

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We are all in the living room sitting and talking waiting for the night to come so we can go out dancing.

"Okay who's bored" maya stands up, and a wave of 'me's' followed,

She walks to the front door, "well me to so I wanna explore, we didn't get to last time so why not this time?" She walks out the door.

"You can't just go alone maya" Lucas rolls his eyes,

"Watch me!" She shouts back,

"Let's go" lucas stands up and walks out the door with maya we all get up too, but Farkle waited for me.

We walk out and find everyone else standing under a tree, "alright huckleberry where we going?"

"You're the one who came out here" he crosses his arms,

"I knew y'all would follow" she smiles,

"She's using her powers" Lucas waves his fingers towards her,

"Come where are we going?" Smackle wipes sweat off of her forehead,

"Okay let's go to ahhh..." Lucas stops to think,

"eat?" Zay speaks up,

"Yea let's do that" smackle fans herself,

Maya laughs and puts an arm around her while following zay to the car, again me and Farkle were the last ones,

It's quiet between us but I like it, and I can feel him looking at me, I get those butterflies. But he's with maya, and he's gonna ask her to marry him, and they are gonna be in love, I'm not gonna ruin Maya's chance at happiness for the second time I just got her back I'm not gonna lose my bestfriend again.

"Hey Riley, can I ask you something?" Farkle looks at me,

"Yeah of course" I smile,

"Do you feel anything? ...between me and you? Have you lately?" I gulp. This is not happening right? It can't be,

"What?" I ask even though I know exactly what he's talking about,

"Lately I feel like I'm gaining my feelings for you again... I wanted to know if it's mutual.."

I'm not ruining this for maya.

"Um, no Farkle I don't. I only like you as a friend. My feelings for you have been gone for a long time" I stare at the ground.

"Oh... yea okay" he looks away,

"Sorry Farkle"

"No it's okay, forget I said anything" we make it to the car and he hops in the front, I sit in the back.

This is for maya, my bestfriend.

I'm sorry Farkle.


"Yay food!" Smackle shouts,

"Don't be so loud" zay laughs, we found a table out side of the restaurant, we didn't want to go in because it's crowded and outside no one was here.

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