Present day | three years later

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"See you soon ms.peers" I smile as she walks out of the store, she's such a nice lady,

I notice some teenagers had left without picking there mess up from the table and since Darrel was to busy flirting he wouldn't pick it up so I did,

Ugh these kids act like they've never used a straw before. Yuck.

I heard a loud noise behind me and saw a smoothie splattered all over the floor,

"I am so sorry" a girl ran to grab napkins,

"No no it's okay I'll pick it up" I grabbed the mop and clean the area while putting a wet floor sign in the middle of the store,

"Thanks for the help" I annoyedly said to Darrel as I passed by him behind the counter,

"No problem Beautiful" he replied focused on a girl who was sitting on the couch on her phone,

"You're a pig" I said, I f*cling despise him sometimes,

The phone started to ring, I answered.


"Hey sweetie can you come to the house and watch auggie?" It was dad,

"I'm working"

"Let Darrel take control of the shop for the day" he paused, "come on Riley, the store will survive"

"Okay on my way" I hung the phone up and smirked at Darrel, "guess you'll have to survive without me" I laughed

"What do you mean" he was actually looking at me this time though,

"I'm off and you're on your own. Good luck."

"Riley, no come on! Riley!"

"Bye bye kisses" I shouted as I walked out the store door,

I walked home as fast as I could, "hey dad what's up?"

Everyone was standing in the living room excited as I walked in,

"What's go on?" I said as I closed the door slowly,

"Riley, this is something big!" Auggie shouted. Then it was silence but they all still had smiles,

"We're gonna give you the store!" Dad shouted and everyone cheered, but they stopped when they noticed the look on my face,

"What's wrong?" Grandpa asked,

"I was gonna reapply for college this year"


Just got out of my noon class and now I can go see my girl.

I walked along the trail, heading to our house. Listening to a ted talk on YouTube. I finally get home and find a sandwich on the counter and a sleeping maya on the bed. I take off my backpack and lay down next to her.

"Good afternoon beautiful" I say in her ear, no response. I move the hair out of her face and kiss her cheek, she intertwines our fingers together.

"Wake up sleeping beauty" she groans and turns to face me, her beautiful blue eyes looking into my brown ones, "and there are those beautiful eyes I love so much" she giggles. And wraps her arms around my head, and gives me a peck on the lips.

"How was class?" She asked.

"The usual, very educational and interesting"

"And only you would say that" a huge dopey grin appeared on my face. "Hey are we gonna go to that art exhibit tonight?"

"Of course we're going, we aren't missing that for anything!" I chuckled. She laughed again, and her nose crinkled, which I find so adorable.

I kissed her nose. She let go of my head and I pulled her to her feet. And we walked to the kitchen.

"Okay so you should get ready maya" I looked at her,

"What do you mean we have like five hours till the exhibit opens"

"But you take forever to get ready" I groaned.

"Okay farkle you know that's not true, you're the one that takes forever" she protested. I laughed cause it's true.

"Alright. That's true. Ima go take a shower and change." I laughed as I walked away.


"Hey doofus get over here!" Bridget shouted.

"Calm down im coming" I yelled back.

"Ay yo bring some beer" chuck yelled.

I grabbed some beer and headed to the two sitting on the beach sand,

"Here you lazy asses" I tossed the cans of beer towards them, and sat down next to chuck while we all stared at the water,

"This is the time we should be in the water" I laughed. I stood up and went into the water, I loved it here, Hawaii. Wow.

"Aye look at those babes over there" Bridget jumped into the water and told me, I turned and saw two girls walking towards chuck.

"Should we let him take those or go and steel them from him" she asked.

"Lets wait ten minutes and then ruin his night" I laughed. After ten minutes and the girls sat down with Chuck we got out and walked towards them.

"Hello ladies" I said with a smirk. Hi they replied. I could tell chuck knew what we were doing.

"So one of you lovely ladies wanna take a swim?" Bridget asked. One of them got up and walked with her to the water.

I sat next to the other one. "Hey after they get out you guys wanna go to a club or something?" I asked.

The girl said sure, and chuck glared at me. I laughed.


I think you can picture how the night went after that.

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