background #5 pt. 2 | six months after everything

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"Hey there pretty lady" I smile at Riley walking into the shop,

She giggles,

"Hey zay" she is so adorable, damn you Riley for making me feel this way,

Should I make a move? Is it to soon? I mean she did or does love Farkle,

Well last time she said she wants to move on. But do I want to be a rebound?

"Zay zayyyy!" I snap back and follow the sound of rileys voice, and find her in the back room sitting on the counter,

"What?" I ask walking up to her,

"Come here" i walk closer to her and stand between her legs,

"What?" She's looking me directly in the eye,

"Kiss me"


"Kiss me"

"Uhhh" then she leans in, am I the rebound?

Our lips are so close, I don't care. I kiss her and her hands are on my neck

I feel her legs wrap around me, I put my hands on her waist and bring her closer to me.

Our tongue's are added to the kiss,


I've wanted this bad, I've always kinda had a thing for zay.

I'm surprised I had enough confidence to do it, oh god are we going all the way?

Is this happening? Yea it's happening.


If it wasn't clear zay and Riley used to date. They dated for a year, until they broke up and zay started to date Vanessa again

Also I feel so unholy after this, help lol

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