the six mix | campfire

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"Okay the campfire is ready" I walk in and see Riley asleep and Lucas talking to pappy joe,

"Farkle maya?" I look at them and maya stands up,

"Yea, come on Farkle" they both walk to the door and I stay behind,

"You guys go I'll catch up" they nod and walk out the door, I walk over to Smackle who has her nose in a book,

"Smackle live a little" I take the book, "we got you to be crazy once, where's that Smackle"


"So here we are" I glance at Farkle,

"Yea" he looks at me,

"Okay what's wrong Farkle?" I turn towards him,

"Nothing maya"

"Farkle please... do you have feelings for Riley?" I'm not really scared to know the answer, and maybe that's because I already do.

"No maya, I have feelings for you"

"Farkle don't lie to me, I just want you happy"

"I am happy I'm happy with you" he looks at me with his big brown eyes,

"Farkle I know you have feelings for Riley... and it's okay, I'm okay I just want you happy" I smile at him,

"I love you maya, only you"

I know he doesn't, he loves Riley, I mean he does love me but not the way he thought he did before, we were each other's muse.

*this next part happened before maya and farkles conversation*


What am I going to do now,

"Hey you okay Riley?" I look up and see Lucas,

"Yea I'm fine, you okay?" I reply,

"You know we did know each other for awhile so i know when your lying, but since you asked no I'm not okay I'm still in love with maya but she's with Farkle" he loves maya still? I take a moment,

"I'm still in love with Farkle" I look down at my hands,

"Then why'd you tell him you weren't?"

"I don't want to ruin it for maya... again" I glance at him and he looks down he obviously knows what I mean

"Well if you think of it this way your still hurting her" I look at him looking up at the ceiling,


"Your going to let her be with someone you know doesn't love her"

He's right, either way she's hurt, either way I'm hurting them both, I need to tell Farkle, and hopefully maya will understand,

Wait.. he's gonna ask her to marry him,

"But he's gonna ask her to marry him"

"Even more reason for you to tell Farkle and maya the truth, you want her first fiancé/marriage to be without love?"

"What about you why don't you tell her you love her" I ask,

"Because Farkle hasn't decided how he feels yet" he takes a deep breath, "although it's obvious he loves you"

I stand up and start running to the campfire, I hear Lucas behind me, when I get there I hear them talking,

"I love you maya, only you" he only loves her,

"Lucas I think he's made his choice" I turn around and start walking back,


But he loves Riley not maya, this has to be because she told him she didn't feel the same when she does, he loves Riley.

Well I guess it's maya and Farkle from now on, maybe I can be like Brian from family guy and secretly be in love with maya all my life, minus all the other girls.

I tried that before and it didn't end well, maya, maya is my true love. And I may not be hers but I'm happy if she finds him.

"Hey I'm gonna go get everyone else I'll be back" I didn't hear the rest of their conversation but Farkle is coming my way,

I kneel behind a bush as he passes by, should I walk up to maya? What would I say?

I walk out so maya can see me,

"Hey.." I say sitting next to her,

"Lucas where's Farkle?" She looks up at me,

"Back at the house I was already on my way here" I lie,

"Oh okay" she turned to look at the fire, her eyes look even more beautiful, she looks even more beautiful. Just like she did when we took our trip here in middle school, I remember that day, god the whole time I kept looking at her was because I was shocked she liked me too, and how beautiful her eyes looked, and when we started walking closer to each other I just wanted to kiss her which I why I grabbed her face having my hands cup her cheeks almost bringing myself to connect our lips but I couldn't do it I was scared we were only in middle school and there was Riley.

"Maya.. I need to tell you something" I say turning myself to face her

"What?" She flips her hair back,

"I.. i.. ahh... maya I have feelings for you" she looks at me confused,

"Lucas.. I." She starts to stutter, I get down on one knee and hold her hand, "Lucas!"

"I'm not proposing" I chuckle, she calms down, but the way she reacted seemed like she was kind of happy,

"Maya You have controlled my heart these past three years, I still love you Maya Penelope Hunter-Hart" she didn't respond she just stayed quiet, I slowly started to lean in

And eventually our lips touched

This is it, I'm kissing the one true love of my life, maya Penelope hunter-hart.

I hear voices in the distance and pull away, I sat on a log and a few moments later everyone walked onto the campfire sight, I look over at maya who just had a blank expression. Farkle sits next to her and she snaps back, I look over at Riley who sits on the opposite side farthest away from Farkle, did something happen between them right now?


"You guys ready to go? I left maya there and now I realize that was pretty stupid let's go" I walk out the door and everyone follows,

Smackle and zay walk faster to the camp fire,

"Farkle I have something to tell you" I turn and see Riley,

"What's up?" I ask,

"Farkle I lied yesterday. I do have feelings for you again, I do feel the same way that you feel" I'm not putting myself or maya on an emotional roller coaster,

"Oh Riley, ahh I've realized my feelings, I don't love you again. I just missed our friendship but I love maya" I turn and walk at rileys pace,

"Oh.. um okay, I'm sorry about this"

"It's okay Riley, it's probably the same for you, your probably just confused, you'll find someone that makes you as happy as maya makes me" except for me it's not maya, it's Riley, I'm just hurting her, what am I doing, oh maybe I'm an idiot and what the hell am I doing,

"Maybe" we make it to the campfire,


These poor kids are having such a hard time with their feelings. Damn.

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