Lovers lane | wedding day

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I've been looking for maya and can't find her, where is she? Where did she and Lucas go?


"Lucas!" I catch him in the hall way heading out to the grass,

He stops in his place, please Lucas.

"Lucas, I.. I love you" when I say it I feel like an anchor has been lifted off of my chest. I walk closer to him, he turns slightly just enough to see half of his face, I put my hand on his jaw line and turn his head to face me his body follows,

He has a few tears welled up in his eyes ready to go down his face, "you mean that?" He asks putting his forehead against mine, I nod, with tears now going down my eyes, when we separate our foreheads I wipe some of his tears and give him a soft kiss.

"I love you Lucas friar" he wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck, I have my lucas.

"But what about Farkle?" He says, and we pull away, Farkle. I need to check on Farkle.

"I'm going to have to tell him" Lucas nods and lets me walk back into the party, as soon as I do I start to look for Farkle, where is he.

I wonder onto the dance floor looking for him,

"Thirty minutes left until the couple of the night head out! Get your last dances in!" The dj speaks into the microphone,

"Maya!" I turn and see Farkle,


"I need to talk to you!" We say at the same time, he grabs my hand and leads me to a closed room,

"Maya I have something to tell you" is he going to tell me he loves Riley??

"I have something to tell you too!"

"I was going to ask you to marry me" a blank stare is plastered on my face he was??

"Woah really?" I say,

"Yes but I.. I realized I'm in love with Riley still" I jump with joy!

"Finally you've told me!" I hug him,

"Your okay with this?" He asks,

"Yes Farkle I just want you happy! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you maya" he smiles at me, "what did you need to tell me?"

"I wanted to tell you that I still love Lucas, and we want to be together"

"Go for it maya, I want you happy as well, you've been with me the last three years you are the best. I couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend, thank you" I smile at him and jump in his arms, he hugs me tight.

"Who would have thought we would be okay with dating each other's bestfriends after dating each other for three years" he laughs I do to, "you sure your okay with it?"

*riley and Lucas just arrived to where Farkle and maya are and are seeing them hug and the rest of this moment*

"Yes of course! I love you Farkle" We let go and are smiling at each other,

"I love you to maya"


I should have known it was to good to be true, he probably just realized he made a mistake and proposed! I'm an idiot, I believed he loved me.

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