rilaya | communication

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I walk into topanga's after coming from seeing Cory,

I see Riley sitting on the couch, man this place brings back some great memories

"Hey this seat taken?" I ask smiling at her,

"No not at all" she smiles,

"Hey, Riley" I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear,

"Hey maya"

"Well I figured we better talk, farkle's forgiven you"

"That's great, I've missed you a lot maya" she looks down, "what I did was horrible and I'm sorry"

"That's in the past now, we've moved on" a smile is plastered on her face,

"This is wonderful!"

"So how have you been?" I ask

"I've been okay, my parents want me to take ownership of the shop"

"Really that's awesome"

"Yea if I didn't want to go to college, I haven't told them my decision yet"

"You're not in college?"

"No, I was only supposed be out for a year but it's been three and I haven't went"

"Oh I'm sorry Riley"

"It's okay, what about you?"

*six hours later*

"I can't believe you did that" Riley laughs,

"I had you by my side, with you there I could have done anything" I laugh with her,

"Remember that time in junior year when we had that party and you got so drunk that you threw up on Charlie??" Riley laughs,

"Oh please don't, I may have hated him but it was humiliating on both of us!" I fall back on her bed,

"You guys dated for like seven months didn't you?" She eats a candy,

I cover my eyes, "yes" then laugh, "gross"

"Why?" She fell back too,

"Because he was sweet, and then he started being a jerk, also he thought I was in love with Farkle" I laugh,

"Why would he think that? And he wasn't wrong I mean look at you two now"

"True, but because all the time I spent with him, cause you know you were with Lucas and stuff"


"Yeah" I sit up, "so what do you want to do now"

"Lets... go to the subway" Riley stands up,

I've missed Riley more than I realized. But I don't know


Do you like? Now everyone has talked to everyone! And it only took 18 chapters.

I'm on a roll!

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