Hello | authors note

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So hey guys, okay well here's the news i wanted this book to last longer but I think only a few more chapters and then this book will be over. I really do love this book, it started off based on a dream I had but it was me and my friends and it felt like it would fit perfectly with the girl meets world cast, and plot I guess.

Well if you are a fan of this fanfiction I am working on a couple of other ones, they are not spin offs, maybe there will be one I don't know it's up to you guys, but I hope you like this and i hope you'll like the next couple ones I'm working on.

But tell me how you feel about this book so far, who do you ship. What are your thoughts about how the end will be?

WOW a thousand reads, GRACIAS!

Also you'll get a description of the new fanfiction at the end. Bye! x

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