Maybe | rarkle

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"You should talk to her" I put hand on farkle's shoulder,

"I.. I just don't know" he takes a deep breath,

"You love her right?"

He looks me in the eye, for longer than a second, and and I don't know,

"Yea, of course I love maya" my heart hurts a little at his words, he looks away

"Then you should talk to her"

"I don't kn-"

"Farkle you need to go talk to Maya now" I stand up,

He looks up at me,

"I mean it, you better go talk to that girl" I raise a finger, he smiles at me,

"What?" I ask,

"You're so cute" he laughs, I get butterflies in my stomach, "in a friend way" and now there gone.

"Farkle go, go talk to her"

"Okay, I'll go talk to Maya" he stands and walks out of the door,



"Maya?" I walk through the door and no response,

"Maya?" I walk to the room and see her in bed,

"Maya" I look at her and see her puffy eyes,

I did that.

I shake her shoulder, she turns in her sleep.

"Maya I'm sorry"

Her eyes open and when she sees me she covers her head quickly,



"I'm sorry maya, I should have let you explain"

"Yes you should have"

"I'm sorry, I just got jealous. I know how much you loved him, I just felt like you would start to love him again.."

"Farkle no, I love you. Only you, you have been there forever, you are the one I love. You shouldn't be worried" she lowers the cover slowly,

I pull the cover fully off of her face and kiss her, she runs her hands through my hair pulling lightly, the one kiss turns into multiple. I get on top of her and put my hand on her waist, she starts pulling on my hair more, then I start kissing down her neck.


"Farkle did you talk to maya?" I ask him as he walks into my house,

"Yeah, we talked"

"Talked?" I question,

"Yea talked." he blushed

"Oh" I look at the ground,

"Riley I'm going to ask her to marry me" he takes out a small box,

"You are?" I lose breath,

"Yeah, I'm sure. She made me sure" he smiles down at the box,

I wish he could say that about me,

"And its thanks to you Riley" he walks to me and gives me a hug,

Then pulls away but keeps his hands on me, our eyes stay looking into one others.

The man I love is loving maya... familiar.


Standing here looking into rileys eyes, makes me think, am I doing the right thing?


Is he doing the right thing? I felt very awkward writing the scene you know which one lol. Input is greatly appreciated on any chapter, thanks.

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