Maya and lucas | rehearsals

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"Bye babe, I'll see you after rehearsal" I give him a kiss, I start pulling away but he pulls me down and kisses me some more,

We separate and I laugh, "bye baby" Farkle calls out to me,

I leave and arrive to rehearsals,

"Maya hey come here" zay waves at me,

"I'm coming I'm coming" I put my hands up

"Okay so who is my part-" I see Lucas come up behind zay he ends his sentence when we sees me,

"About that" zay smiles at me, oh gosh.

"I'm guessing it's me" I cross my arms,

"Love you maya, okay listen to the dance instructor!" He walks away and me and Lucas stand there awkwardly.

"So.." Lucas speaks up,

"Come on! Please focus over here. Don't act like strangers" the dance instructor pushed me towards Lucas,

"Okay we are dancing" I say,

"We are starting with a slow dance! Everyone, get into position"

I put an arm on lucas' shoulder, and he grabs the other, while awkwardly putting his hand on my back.

We stood there quietly, not knowing what to do.

"And the music starts now!"

We started dancing, but Lucas kept stepping on my feet, I couldn't help but laugh.

Then zay started laughing too.

Lucas also laughed, then we started the dance again, and Lucas stepped on my feet again.

I laughed even more, "that one hurt!"

"I'm sorry!" He laughed again.

"Lucas! Come on! You know this dance we're from Texas!" Vanessa laughed.

"Cowboy forgot his roots" I laugh even more, Vanessa walks up to me and gives me a high five,

"Oh back with the names" Lucas laughs.

"You guys this isn't talking hour let's go!" The instructor shouts.

"It's okay let's take a ten minute break" zay shouts back,

"Come on Lucas let's go" zay puts his hands up,

"What you doing" Lucas crosses his arms,

"We are gonna practice" zay puts his hands up in the girls position,

"Me and you?" Lucas raises an eyebrow,

"Yes so get in the position" Lucas eventually gives in and gets in the position and they start dancing,

Me and Vanessa just sit down on the floor and start laughing,

"Lucas you can do this" zay shouts,

"I'm trying"

He finally got it thirty minutes later, and me and Vanessa we still on the floor,

"Your getting really good at this" zay looks at Lucas,

"Are you coming on to me" Lucas laughs,

"Hey that's my man!" Vanessa laughs,

"Ruined the moment" zay laughs at her,

"So are we gonna actually practice or what" Vanessa asks,


"Why don't you come to the coffee shop with me" Katy was just about to leave for work,

"You sure?" I asks

"Of course, lets go" she smiles,

On the way there she was talking but I was mainly thinking about something else,

I'm really nervous about,

"Oh hey you still work at topanga's?" We were walking down the steps,

"Yes I do" she smiles, "come on"

We walk in and I follow her to the counter,

"So what can I get cha"

"How about a normal coffee" I smile,

"Coming right up" I turn around and walk to the old couch that me and everyone else would sit on, and where we had so much memories,

I put a hand on it, wow it feels like it's past centuries,

"Remember the time capsule?" I didn't seem scared by a person being behind me, their voice just seem so sweet and comforting, I turn my head normally and it's Riley,

She looks down embarrassed, "yeah I remember it" she looks back up,

"Me too, well obviously you knew that cause I'm the one who brought-"

I chuckle, "yeah"

"Sorry" she lifts a piece of hair behind her ear,

"It's okay" I feel like I should leave, but I want to talk to her,

"Well, wanna sit?" I ask,

"Sure" I take a seat on the couch and she sits next to me, "well what now" I ask,

"I thought you knew that answer"

I smile, "how's college"

"I don't go to college, I started working here after...." she trailed off and I knew why,

"Oh well that's okay too" I take a deep breathe, "at least you have this right?"

"Yeah" she laughs nervously,

*Three hours later*

I couldn't stop laughing or smiling this whole time,

I've realized how much I've missed Riley,

And that's only miss, not love,

Because I love maya, I love maya so much I'm...

gonna ask her to marry me.


"So this was fun" Lucas laughs,

"Yea it was" I laugh some more,

"Maya it was good seeing you" He rubs the back of his neck, "I'm glad you aren't still mad"

"Yea" all I can say because honestly I don't know if I am or not, but how does this look practice ended an hour ago, and we went for coffee,

I could have went home to Farkle but instead I just spent an hour with Lucas.


Do you think either of them cheated? And will they tell each other about this night?

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