background #2 | after everything

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I had to leave, I hurt everyone. I didn't accept my acceptance to NYU. I've decided to go travel, go see the world, get away, and hopefully try and forget the love of my life.

If I'm being honest I'm scared, I'm 19 and terrified, where will I go exactly.

I'll go to Texas and then maybe from there California? I'll visit pappy joe.

"Mom I'm leaving" walking into the kitchen and seeing my mom crying wasn't my favorite thing to see. "Don't cry mom"

"You be safe" she wiped a tear, "tell pappy joe I said hi, call and text whenever, tell me where you are"

"I will mom, I love you" I hugged her and could feel that she didn't want to let go, so I stayed there hugging her,

I went into the living room and stood in front of my father,

"Good bye.. sir" he stood up and I expected a disappointed nod but he hugged me,

"Goodbye son, be safe"

"I will" my mom walked into the living room, I walked to the front door and grabbed my luggage bags, "good bye, I'll see you soon"

I turned and opened the front door and walked out, I heard my mom say bye another time. I put my bags in the trunk got in the driver side and drove away.


I stayed in the hospital with Farkle over night I didn't want to leave him alone.

He said he was fine, but still I couldn't make my self go home. All day Riley has been texting me and Farkle. But I've just ignored them.

I feel such hate for her, although I do feel bad for it, but she deserves it.

All of this had to happen now, two weeks after high school ended, it all came out.

My phone rang one more time I checked and expected it to be Riley, but it was a message from Lucas.

"What did she say?" Farkle asked.

"It's from Lucas"

"Read it out loud"

"Okay. It says, Maya I know that you probably never want to see me again, from me lying to Riley the whole relationship to what I did to Farkle. And I'm sorry, tell Farkle I am extremely sorry for what I did, and that I hope he can forgive me someday. And as for Riley, I couldn't tell her I didn't love her. She seemed so in love and happy I didn't want to be the cause of it ending. And to find out I was putting you in pain the whole time, the girl I love. The main reason I didn't tell her was because of you, I felt that if I told her you'd hate me and then I wouldn't be able to see you everyday, or your smile or your cute laugh that I love so much." I stopped to take a breath,

"You don't have to read the rest out loud if you don't want to maya" Farkle turned and looked up at the ceiling, he mumbled under his breath, "forgive him.. some nerve."

I turned back to my phone and continued reading in my head,

"And ironically thats how it ended up anyway. Maya I love you. My love for you developed over time, and by the time the whole campfire happened I was confused but that moment made everything clear. you always made me smile and laugh. You cared about me whether you wanted to show it or not, and I realized that I cared for you the same way. Maya I know you hate me but I hope one day you forgive me, just like the way I hope Farkle will. I hope you are happy in life and that one day we can be friends again. Or more. I'm leaving New York although you already know that, maybe we will end up together in a another life. Goodbye Maya Hart, the love of my life."

I wiped a tear that was sliding down my cheek, Farkle noticed,

"Maya are you okay" he sat up in his bed,

"Yea yea.. it's just" I took a deep breath and more tears fell,

"Hey I know I know, you love him maya" He moved to one side of his bed, "come here"

I walked over to the bed and snuggled next to him with more tears escaping,

"He's leaving Farkle" I closed my eyes,

"Maya if you need him text him tell him you want him to stay"

"I can't forgive him for what he did Farkle, look where you are now"

"I just want you happy maya"


They won't answer.

I'm home lying on my bed with a broken heart, I've lost them all.


Lucas filled me in on everything that happened, I couldn't believe it, he may be my bestfriend but what he did was to far.

And poor maya, she deserves better. And must be heart broken.

But I also feel bad for Riley, she lost Farkle who she loves and her bestfriend who she has known basically her whole life.

I don't know what to do, but I'm on my way back to New York now. Maybe I should visit Farkle.


Remember these are like flashbacks. Just to give you some information.

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