back in new york | three years later

368 14 0


"Mom!" I run and hug her.

"Hey pumpkin" she hugs me back.

"Hey dad" I hug him too.

"So glad to see you back, kiddo" I stepped back and let them hug Farkle,

"You too are finally home!" My mom shouts, "farkle have you seen your parents?"

"No ma'am they're out on business" he smiles, "but they'll be here first thing in the morning"

"Oh that's neat, well come on in, sit down, you act like you've never been here before"

"So how have you crazy kids been mother" I smile.

"We went on a trip as you know. And Shawn here got in a little accident" she looks over at Shawn who rolls his head back laughing.

"Okay hold on there Katy, it wasn't my fault, okay the bird attacked me" he laughs.

I smiled at them both, I loved seeing them like this. I loved that they found their happiness in each other.

I turned my head and looked at farkle, who was looking down with a smile, then up at me. I always get lost in this mans eyes. He started mouthing something at me and I figured out he was saying "you're beautiful"

I smiled even more. I heard my mom mumble something, and looked at them. They are staring back.


"Okay okay sorry, I'm gonna get some coffee"

"Maya have you called zay yet?" Oh yea I haven't.

"No I haven't do you have his number?"

"Yea" he reaches in his pocket and tells me the number,

"Okay I'll be right back" I stand up and walk into my old room, "Hello?"

"Hey zay it's maya" I start pacing back and forth, then sat down.

"Maya hey! It's good to hear from you"

"Yea great to hear from you too! well I'm calling cause we will be going to your wedding"

"That's great maya! I'm really glad you decided to come" I stood back up,

"Yeah me too, and farkle will be going"

"That's amazing I can't wait!"

"Yeah, okay well I wanted to say we were going"

"That's great. Also there is a get together tomorrow at my house you wanna come"

"Ahh yeah sure, text me the address"

"I will it was great hearing from you maya"

"You to zay" I hang up, I really have missed him. I'm gonna tell farkle we're busy tomorrow.



So tomorrow will be the first time I will see zay in three years. I wanna dress nice, ugh I'm sounding like a girl.

I wonder who's gonna be there. I kinda want some coffee.

"Mom I'm going out for coffee"


Wow how much I've missed this place, although the noise was not missed. And the smell not so much.

"Hey can I get just a normal coffee?"

"Yes you may, that'll be 6.56"

"Alright here you go" I walk to the side and wait, I turn my head and see a blonde sitting at a window table with a guy. My heart starts racing, the girl flips her hair, my hearts pounding. Then the girl turns towards my way and it's not who I thought it was.

My heart slows back down.

"Here's your coffee" I turn around startled.

"Oh yeah thanks, have a nice day" and walk out of the coffee shop.



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