The six mix | hang out day

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We are all at our favorite spot at the park,

Me, maya, Farkle, Lucas, zay, and Riley.

"Oh cut it out" I laugh at Riley who is talking about old times in middle school,

"Oh I miss my ferret" Maya pouts,

"I liked that little ferret" Lucas laughs,

"You guys we should go somewhere" zay blurts,

"Like where?" Farkle joins,

Zay takes a moment and ponders, "Texas?"

"Texas?" Riley questions, "ahhh"

"Come on it would be so fun, we went when we were underage now we are of age, let's have some fun" he laughs,

"Your getting married in five days" maya laughs,

"So we go for three, leave tomorrow and come back Sunday"

"You're serious?" Lucas questions,

"Can I come this time?" I bud in,

"Of course you can come smackle" zay wraps an arm around me, "please you guys? Come on the six of us? All of us 21 well except Lucas and me. But it would be hecka fun!"

Lucas gives him a glare, and maya has a big smile appear,

"Remember when we were all turning 16 and you guys were going to be turning 18, but we just made fun of Lucas" she laughs,

"Yeah" Farkle pats his back,

"Thanks zay" Lucas laughs,

"Are you guys down?" Zay asks again,

"Sure why not" maya agrees

Then all of us one by one agree, a trip to Texas with the old gang. I'm so happy.

"Let's play football" Lucas stands up, and walks away with the ball, Farkle follows,


"Hey wait up" I catch up to Lucas and walk with him into the open grass area,

"Hey Farkle sorry about the other day, it was out of line" I guess he's talking about kissing maya,

"It's okay, I get it. You were in love with her, and if I'm being perfectly honest I think my old feelings for Riley are coming back, I don't know" I take a deep breath,

"Well this is in confidence, just know that it won't happen again, I want to be friends again robot" he tosses the ball in the air,

"Me too, freak face"

Maya and everyone else catch up to us. We start playing a game of football

"Hey!" Riley shouts at zay who took the ball out of her hands,

"Sucker" smackle laughs,

After playing for like an hour I sit out for a bit, everyone is having so much fun. We are all back together, all hanging out, all friends. I've missed all of these people, who would have thought that after everything we'd all be friends again.

I look up at Riley who is trying to run away from zay, she looks so cute,

I laugh, when I see her tuck and roll to keep the ball from zay, she's adorable. Then I look at maya who's on the ground with her arms on her stomach laughing, smackle sitting next to her and Lucas crouching behind them, all three laughing.

Maya, maya, maya, the girl I want to marry, right? Is this the right thing? I feel like I don't love her as much as I did a week ago.

But Riley, I don't know if I was ever over Riley, I feel like a dick, do I love maya as a friends?

Now we're going to Texas.


I'm so happy we're all friends again. I'm so happy we are all hanging out, I'm so happy that we are going to Texas, remembering what happened last time makes me worried though.


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