love affairs | wednesday

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I steal a look at maya and see her laughing, she looks so beautiful. She is beautiful.

How can I still love a girl I haven't seen in three years, and after the girls I slept with in this time.

She is still the one who controls the beat of my heart, god.

"What you looking at huckleberry" she taunts

"Just your face" I laugh,

"Go dance a jig" she rolls her eyes and laughs,

"Sure short stack" she glares at me,

"Alright let's get to practice" Leroy claps his hands,

Me and maya get in our spot and I just get lost in her beautiful blue eyes,

We start dancing and I can't help but smile, she's so beautiful, whether she tries or not.

*two hours later*

"Lucas look what I found" zay walks into the room that me maya and Vanessa are in,

"It's an old yearbook" he flips through the pages,

"Really let me see" I grab the book, and flip through it, and find the nomination page, I look and see the title "best couple"

"Look maya it's the year that we won best couple" I face the book at her,

"How could anyone ever see me and Lucas as a couple" she makes a confused face,

"Everybody does" zay buds in, I was confused for a second and realized what they were doing,

"But we're so alike" I say laughing,

"And they're so... different" zay continues, with excited eyes

"But we're like a summer rain" I try to act serious,

"And their like fiyah!" Maya finishes, then burst out laughing, "good times good times"

"I remember that like it was yesterday" I laugh,

"Man Riley hated that moment" maya laughs,

"Yeah she did" zay stands up, "Vanessa come with me to the kitchen really quick"

"Alright" they grab each other's hands and leave,

"So whatcha wanna talk about?" Maya asks,

"I don't know short stack" I stand up and start walking to the couch, then I feel something on my back,

It's maya, "maya what the heck" I laugh, and start trying to shake to get her off,

"You called me a short stack!"

"Because you are one" I finally get her off and she falls onto the couch, but pulls me down with her laughing,

I turned myself so I could use my hands to help me stay up so I wouldn't hurt her,

I'm now on top of her laughing and she's laughing, she just looks so beautiful,

I can't help myself, I kiss her, not even for a second before I hear

"Maya what the fuck!" I break the kiss and look up at the door, it's Farkle!

Maya tries to push me off

"Wait man, it's not what I-" I try to tell him that this was my doing

"Not what it looks like!? Save it!" He storms off,

"Farkle wait!" Maya pushes me off, stands up and runs off,

What the fuck did I just do.


Told you to stay tuned.

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