larkle | boys day

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"Come on Lucas take the shot" zay drinks his shot while the bartender pours another one,

"Come on Farkle don't be lame" I look at Farkle who still had three shots left,

"You drink I drink" he picks one up,

I drink the shot and Farkle follows,

"Atta boy!" I yell,

"Alright alright, let's shoot some darts" I stand and walk to the dart board,

"Who's up" Farkle grabs five darts and starts to throw one but the pulls back,

"Come on Farkle" I roll my eyes

"Wait I'm making sure I make it"

"This is exactly what you did when I tried to get you to try out any sport in high school" I laugh,

"So" he laughs too,

"And you still sucked at those" zay pats his back,

"You know what your right fuck it" he tosses the darts, and actually made some good shots,

"Yea, that's my boy" zay takes them down and throws them again,

"Ima go get some drinks" I leave and head to the bar,

"Hey let me help you out" Farkle comes up next to me,

"Alright what should we get" Farkle shrugs, he runs his hbd through his hair, and you can see his forehead, he has a scar.

I'm guessing from what I did,

"Hey man, I never actually said sorry for what happened" I look at my hands,

"It's okay, if maya can forgive so can I"

"Thanks but it's not right and I want you to know that I am really sorry and have regretted what I did since I did it"

"It's been three years, I forgive you. And I'm sorry I told maya I didn't want her hanging out with you, I was being jealous I guess" he takes a drink of his beer,

"I think it's time we all at least talked again"

I take a deep breath.

"I think it's time we all started talking too"

We pick up the beers and head towards zay.

I'm so glad he has forgiven me, but I still haven't forgiven myself.


Now that they are messing around with the dart board I can text maya.

"Hey babe, I'm sorry about yesterday. I was just jealous, I'm really sorry. You can hang out with Lucas or whoever you want, I don't care. I love you."

"It's okay, I think I should talk to Riley and you should talk to Lucas, and then this wouldn't be a problem anymore"

"I know. And I have, I'm okay with him. I think it's time we all got along again. Only if your okay with Riley though. Love you!"

I put my phone in my pocket and it rings,

"I'll talk to her tomorrow when I hang out with Vanessa"

"Okay, love you baby!"

"ily too" she still might be mad,

"I love you!"


"I love you!!" I smile down at my phone,

"I love you too! Geez, bye baby ((:"

My phone starts ringing,

"You are such a dork" it's maya,

"I love you" I laugh,

"Love you too, genius!" I hear her laugh, "I'll let you go so you can hang out with the guys, see you later. Lover boy"


Maybe things are gonna turn out alright, maybe after three years we can all be friends again.

I missed everything, and yes I was pissed at Lucas for what he did to me, but it was a while ago, I've moved on.


But is the drama really over just like that? Stay tuned.

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