party or wreck night #2 | three years later

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Oh shit they are all in the same room. Oh this won't end well.

I'm looking at Lucas who is looking at maya and Farkle, and then glance at Riley who is staring at Lucas, and smackle who is looking at me. Shit.

Farkle noticed me staring at something but I made a loud noise to keep him from seeing Riley.

"Zay you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah fine" then Riley turned to look at me. She started walking towards me,

"Zay! I need a word" she grabs my hand pulling me to the next room, but making sure Farkle or maya didn't see her face,

"Zayyyyyy!" She wines.


"This is to much" she looked sad, "I can't have them here!" She whisper shouted,

"Well it's no your choice it's mine" I looked her in the eye,


"Riley. You are just gonna have to deal. Because Lucas is my best man and maya is Vanessa's maid of honor" she looked back at me dead in the eye,

"Wait she made maya her maid of honor? What? Why? How?"

"Riley I don't have time for this" and with that I walked off,

When I walked back into the room, Lucas was now standing next to Farkle and maya and neither of them looked happy.


That girl looked familiar, or at least her voice sounded familiar.

And zay seemed nervous, why did he seem nervous. And why would someone pull away-

"Lucas!" Vanessa broke me from my thoughts. Lucas??

"What" Farkle asked turning around to see what Vanessa was seeing, I turned my head curiously to see, Lucas.

Standing awkwardly at a table, this felt so weird to see him after these years.

He looked the same, but more mature, his jaw more dominant, and his hair long sort of, I don't know how to explain that he does look different,

I glance at Farkle, who isn't really showing emotion to Lucas' presence.

He started walking towards us slowly,

"Hey guys" he said, I stayed quiet, Farkle put an arm around my waist when he saw Lucas looking at me,

We just stayed there in awkward silence, zay walked back into the room. then I turned and see Smackle,

"Smackle!" I shout and run up to her,

"Maya!" She hugs me back, "I've missed you so much maya!"

Then we separate and Farkle comes up behind me

"Hey genius" he laughs, then hugs her,

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