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Jack's P.O.V

I can't believe it! She rejected me twice!

So you may be wondering, how could the most popular guy in Frostwood High get rejected by a little newbie? Well let me tell you: a king always gets what he wants, and what he wants right now, is a date with that newbie.

I sighed in frustration as I realised now how difficult this would be. I knew my regular tactic of wooing girls wouldn't work. Normally it would just be: Flirt, Ask on Date, Make them fall even more head over heels for me, ditch them, get money. Fool-proof, right? Well not this time. Elsa was different. I knew from the moment she rejected me the first time in the hallway. I have to go outside my comfort zone, and I wasn't sure if I could do it.

Reluctantly, I decided to head to class, since the hallway was now deserted, as everyone was already in class. I already knew where the Chemistry room was, so I decided to run, until I found something underneath my foot. I slowly picked it up and looked at it.

Frostwood High Schedule: Elsa Winters

I felt myself smiling. It was Elsa's schedule! I quickly analysed it and realised that she had all the same classes with me! Grinning, I strolled to class a Long time after the second bell rang, but I couldn't care less, because now I knew what to do.


Elsa's P.O.V

Chemistry seemed to take forever. Mrs. Gothel seemed pretty decent, well, if you were one of her favourites. If you had to find a picture for your average, mediocre teacher, then Ms.Gothel would be the right choice. She moved her hands whilst she talked, and her long, curly black hair reached the middle of her back. Today she was wearing an elegant, red velvet dress.

In summer.

The things people do for the sake of fashion. *sigh*

But before dozing off into a delightful slumber, I felt myself being jolted awake by the sound of pounding feet, and the slight wheezing in front of me. I lifted my head up to find the one and only Jack Frost, who was 10 minutes late to Chemistry. Bad move Frostie.

"Mr.Frost!" Ms.Gothel screeched. "How dare you interrupt my class 10 minutes late! Explain yourself, young man!"

Jack composed himself. "I'm sorry Ms.Gothel, I accidentally tripped and all of my papers from English flew everywhere. I had to collect them all, and I decided to keep them in my locker just in case."

He smiled sweetly, causing all the girls to squeal again. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my notes. I didn't want to look at his cute smile. Wait what?! Did I just say cute?!

Ms.Gothel stared at him, contemplating about whether to put him in detention until she sighed. "Fine.  Now sit somewhere before I give you detention!"

He nodded furiously and scrambled to the last empty seat in the class, which unfortunately, was next to mine. I mentally groaned and hit my book against my forehead. I probably caused a bruise, but I was only focused on the idiot sitting next to me, who was smiling cheekily at the teacher.


Once class was over, everyone scrambled out of their seats to the front door, whilst I took my time and packed my papers neatly into my backpack.

"I should probably check which class I have next," I mumbled to myself.

I looked for my schedule in my backpack, but the only things I could find was my English and Chemistry papers and notebooks. That's strange, I swear I had it in English....

"Looking for something?" A masculine, all too familiar voice said.

Rolling my eyes, I looked up to find Jack with my schedule in his hands. MY SCHEDULE.

"Why do you have that?" I said, snatching it away from him and stuffing it in my backpack.

"You dropped it whilst beating me up," he said, ruffling his snow-white hair.

"I wasn't beating you up," I said in defence. "You were being too cocky."

Without saying anything, we both walked together out of class, an awkward silence filling the air.

"Elsa," he said. "I need to ask you something..."

"I already told you Jack," I sighed. "I'm not interested in going on a date with you!"

"No," he said. "Not that."

I cocked my head to the side. Then what could he possibly want?

"I was just wondering...," he said, pretending to be nervous. I could spot an actor if I ever saw one. The scratch behind the neck, the innocent eyes, the wrinkling of the nose. It was all there. "I was wondering if you wanted to just be friends?"

My eyes widened in surprise. Friends? I thought he was going to ask me if we could go out as BUDDIES. Not just friends. He didn't even add in a movie or anything.

"Uhh..." I said, unable to reply.

"I know I've been an jerk," he said. "But maybe let's start over?"

I thought for a moment until I sighed. "One chance, Frost. One chance."

Grinning, he spun me around. "Thank you! Thank you!"

I smiled as he put me down. "I trust you."


After we bid our goodbyes and I headed to the boys for recess, I grinned to myself. I wasn't just thanking Elsa for being my Friend. She was saving my bet...

And my reputation.

Did you like it?!?!?!?!
I updated twice today and so far I feel fine! So far I am enjoying writing this book (fanfic?😂) and by now I am thinking that you know what to do now! But if you don't, then if you enjoyed this book or you have any feedback to give me, then please


And thank you for reading!

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