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Eragna's P.O.V

I felt a sense of power surge through my veins as I felt the floor growing cold under my feet. A thick sheet of ice covered the floors, the temperature dropping immediately.

"Finally," I growled. "It's time."

No, please Eragna!

I hissed as Elsa's voice pounded in my head. Even though I had full control now, she would always be a part of me, and I would always be a part of her.

"Shut up!" I mumbled, gritting my teeth.

You don't have to be like this! You can start over!

"How?!" I yelled. "You just want to be with your little Boyfriend! You don't care about me at all!"

The voice dimmed down in my mind, and I immediately felt calmer. I took a deep breathe and looked at Pitch. He was the love of my life, the one I wanted to rule the world with. He was the one that fell in love with ME, and not with Elsa. All the other boys in our lives have only fallen for Elsa's beauty, and what did I have to do? I had to shun myself away from the world, hide my identity while Elsa got to go on dates and make friends with other people. She could control whether I was in power or not. But now Pitch has saved me. He was my saviour.

"Dearest? Are you okay?" Pitch asked, a genuine look of concern in his eyes.

I smiled and nodded my head. "Everything is fine. As Long as we're together."

He smiled back with that adorable grin of his and held out his hand. "Let's get out of here."

"Let's go."


Jack's P.O.V

Eragna and Pitch were just about to leave, until all of a sudden, Hiro emerged from the shadows.

"Wait! What about my Brother?!" Hiro yelled. "You said you knew where he was!"

Pitch laughed heartily. "Never trust Pitch Black. That's a lesson you should have learned a Long time ago. You and I both know where Tadashi is, and it was All. Your. Fault."


But before he could say anything else, Eragna and Pitch both cackled wickedly, back sand swirling around them, and vanishing within a second. Hiro didn't know what to do anymore. He fell down to his knees and started to sob.

"Tadashi! Tadashi!" He screamed to the sky. "I'm so sorry!"

I gently pressed my hands against the bars, looking helplessly at Hiro. Sure, he built a machine to change Elsa into another person. Sure, he desired to fight alongside Pitch. Sure, he sacrificed everything he had. But it was all for his Brother. The only family apart from his aunt that he had left. He no longer had an idol to look up to anymore. I remember he would always tell me that Tadashi would show him which colleges were the best to try out for, and Tadashi was the one that got Hiro into his passion in the first place. Building and engineering.

Slowly, Hiro walked up to me and held his hand through the gate, touching mine, his face was covered in tears, grime and blood. He sniffed quietly, and didn't say anything for a few moments.

"Jack," he said. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for building this machine! I'm sorry for taking Elsa away from you, I'm so sorry---"

"It's okay," I said, ruffling his hair through the bars.

"What?" He said, dumbfounded.

I smiled weakly. "I know why Hu did what you did. And to be honest, I would have done the same thing if I were in your position."

"But Jack," he said. "Pitch was right."

"Right about what?" I asked.

"I killed my own Brother."


Hiro's P.O.V

I sighed and twiddled my feet. After I told Jack what really happened, he wouldn't want to talk to me ever again.

"What happened?" He asked softly.

"It happened a few months ago," I started. "I was in downtown Burgess, bot-fighting."

"Isn't bot-fighting illegal?" Jack asked, shocked.

"Yes," I nodded. "But there was this secret alleyway that I found whilst I was walking back to my Aunt Cassie's house. This big guy offered to put me in for a big fight, because he saw me in the news for making the robot for the convention that happened earlier that week. He said I would earn a ton of money if I won a fight, so being me, I joined."

I was trying hard not to trip on my own words. I felt myself start to shiver violently and noticed more and more ice creeping up the walls and along the doors.

"It was fine for a while. I won against everyone that I was put up against, and I even managed to afford half of my tuition fees, because I knew my aunt was struggling to make ends meet. Everything was great until....."

I tried to fight back my tears, and I started to sniffle loudly. I clenched my hands into tight balls and bit my lip harshly.

"It's okay," Jack said, placing a hand on my shoulder through the bars. "Take your time."

I slowly took a deep breathe, my voice shaky and uneasy. "And then Tadashi was wondering where I was getting my money from, and I never answered his questions. So one day, he followed me and saw me bot-fighting. Unfortunately, the owner of the bot-fights in that area was there. He didn't like uninvited guests, and he had an extremely short temper. Tadashi didn't want to leave until I got home, and he was adamant in staying. So the owner said that if I win the next bot-fight, I could go back with my Brother to my Aunt's place. If I lost, then the owner would kill him."

A few years managed to escape, dropping on the icy floor.

"I thought I could win. I had so every single bot-fight I had ever taken part in, so I thought I would make it out alive with my Brother."

By now I was sobbing. "A-And then s-something happened w-with my bot. It ---started to g-go all crazy until it suddenly e-exploded."

Jack noticed that I didn't want to go on. "And then the owner killed him."

"Y-Yes," I sniffled. "And Tadashi would have been here now if I hadn't gotten into bot-fights."

"Hiro," Jack said, wiping my tears away. "It's not your fault. You didn't know that this would happen, and you had no idea of the consequences. I know you're a good kid, Hiro. And Tadashi would have been proud of the things that you have achieved. Don't worry."

I smiled and held onto his hand. "Thanks Jack."

"Don't worry, bud..."

"We'll find Pitch. I promise."


Hey guys!
Sorry for so many switches of P.O.V's in this chapter, but I hope you all like it all the same! And also, thank you guys so much for 2k reads and over 100 votes!!!!!! Thank you guys for your votes, reads and comments, it does mean the absolute world to me and I can't thank you guys enough!

So yes! If you did like this chapter, please don't forget to


And thanks for reading!

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