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Pitch's P.O.V

I heard Eragna's gasps for air and her heavy panting as I left her in the medical room. Once the spell had worn off, if Eragna meets her parents eye-to-eye, she will rip apart time and space, sucking her in the midst of a black hole that would rip her from this world, as if she had never even existed. Then the last twin would be gone and no one would be able to defeat me, and I will conquer everything I survey.

No one can stop me now.


Jack's P.O.V

I landed face first onto the ground, surprising a nurse who was walking past, carrying a patient on a stretcher.

"Watch where you're going boy," She scowled, before trotting into a separate room. I guess she didn't notice the portal. Weird. Rolling my eyes, I scanned my surroundings. Nothing seemed out of place, or like chaos had erupted. It was a normal hospital, with nurses flirting with the doctors and doctors too busy doing their own paperwork to notice. Classic hospital.

"Where are you, Eragna?" I mumbled.

"Over here!"

I whipped my head around and noticed nothing behind me, or in front of me. Maybe my ears are trying to trick me.

"I'm in the room on the right!"

I immediately headed towards the door, before coming face-to-face with a couple in the room. The lady was sat on the bed, wires and tubes connecting her to a machine. Her chocolate brown hair was messy and braided, just like Elsa's. The man was sitting on the metal bench, his hair strawberry-blonde, just like Anna's. And in the middle sat Eragna, a pool of red blood surrounding her. Her eyes were barely open as she staggered towards me.

"Eragna!" I yelled.

The man immediately looked at me. "Who are you?! What are you doing here?!"

My eyes widened. I was obviously helping this girl out! "I'm helping the girl unconscious."

"Maybe he's lost. He probably came another ward," the lady whispered. What?

"Jack," Eragna whispered. "They can't see me. Pitch put an invisibility cloak on both of us. You look like an idiot!"

Nodding, I smiled warmly at them. "I'm extremely sorry Mr and Mrs..."

"Winters," the man said. "It's Winters."

I felt the world slowly freeze. These were Elsa and Eragna's parents.

"Oh!" I squeaked, picking up Eragna from the ground. "I just needed to find my dog, but she isn't here right now!"

The woman's face softened. Now I could see where Elsa and Eragana got their light blue eyes from. "I hope you find your dog, dear."

Nodding, I headed out of the room and sat Eragna down on a bench. She clutched her stomach tightly, wheezing and gasping.

"Aren't you going to kill me?" Eragna asked. "After everything I've done?"

I thought for a moment. "Where is Pitch?"

"He left," she winced, her cheeks flushing a deep red. "He never loved me. He's going to k-kill Elsa and I. You need to hurry!"

I sighed. "I don't hate you Eragna. I know why you did what you did, and I forgive you. I'm going to find Pitch and make sure he never kills you."

"A-and Elsa," Eragna cried.

"Elsa is dead," I said, choking a bit on my words. "Pitch allowed you to take full control of your body. She's gone."

"N-No," Eragna said. "She is here. She just c-can't control our b-body. S-she can speak to me."


Elsa was alive?

Eragna's P.O.V

Eragna! Please tell Jack to hurry!

"Jack," I whispered, clutching my stomach even tighter. The pain was too much." Y-you need to find Pitch, before it's too late!"

"What about you?" He asked, his blue eyes full of concern. I shook my head.

"I can manage, just go!"

Nodding, he dashed across the room, pushing through nurses and doctors as he tried to find the baby ward. Hopefully he could stop Pitch, before it was too late.


Jack's P.O.V

Pitch should be in a baby room. He has to be. But if Elsa and Eragna were a special case, they wouldn't take them to an ordinary baby room.

"Where could they be?" I muttered to myself.


I turned my head towards a large room, their metal doors wide open. Slowly, sheets of ice started to cover the thick metal, and I smiled. This would be easy.

"Excuse me?" I said, knocking on the door.

A nurse turned around, wisps of grey hair escaping from her little white hat.

"What do you want?" The nurse said impatiently. "This is extremely important."

"The doctor said I could come... visit my sisters," I replied quickly.

I just called Elsa and Eragna my sisters. Hm.

"Oh!" She replied, immediately smiling. "Come right here, but don't touch anything. You can stand next to me to get a look at your baby sisters."

I slowly strolled next to her and hovered over the baby, who was now sound asleep. She was switching from Eragna to Elsa, and I suppressed the feeling of snatching the baby, or babies, away and keeping it safe for the rest of their lives.

"Can you hold them for a while, dear?" The nurse said, handing the baby gently to me. "I need to check something with the doctor quickly. I'll be back in a flash."

As soon as she disappeared down the hall, I slowly tucked a stray strand of hair on the baby's head, and smiled. "I'll keep you safe, guys."

"Oh really?"

Quickly, I turned my head to find Pitch against the door, slamming it shut.

"We meet again, cousin."


Hey guys!
Im so sorry I haven't updated! I think it's been a month since I've updated, but a lot of things have been going on and I'll try to be consistent! Anyways, thank you guys so much for 5.5k reads! Shizzle, we are halfway to 10k! I can't thank you guys enough for the reads and the votes and I appreciate the support!

So yes! If you did like this chapter, please don't forget to


And thanks for reading!

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