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Elsa's P.O.V

I felt faint. Goosebumps prickled my skin and a bead of sweat started to trickle down my forehead. What were we gonna do?! I slowly turned towards Jack, who looked just as shocked, his feet rooted to the ground.
"What? Is there a problem you two?" Ms.Belle asked us, her eyes full of concern.
I heard Jack cough awkwardly. "Umm, Mrs.Belle, with all due respect mam, I don't think that Elsa and I are fit to play the lead roles." I breathed a sigh of relief. At least I wasn't the only one who disagreed with this!
"Nonsense! I heard Elsa sing and act before whilst I was walking past the music class! And I know for sure that you aren't new to acting Mr. Frost."


It was the second day of school, I had Jack in my next class and I was eager to ignore him as much as possible. I had just gotten out of a fight with Maria, and it ended up with her getting a sprained ankle and me with a small scratch on my face. Luckily she didn't rattle on me, which got me really confused, but she gave me a deadly glare before walking to the nurse's office, but to be fair she was the one that started it! Slowly, I entered the music room with Punzie, who was also in my class, and we both sat down in the last two seats that were left just as Ms.Ariel came in.
"HELLO CLASS!" She sang with her melodious voice.
I covered my hears, geez you didn't have to be that loud!
"So today, I want to see your abilities in singing," Ms.Ariel said before walking towards her desk. On her desk, I noticed a little transparent box with a slit in it, covered in seashell stickers.
"Okay class, so I'm going to pick a random student from this little box I've got here, and I would like you to sing a song of your choice!"
She slowly slid her hand into the box, and grabbed a piece of crumpled paper. She slowly unfolded it....

Please no....
Please no...
Please no..
Please no...

"Elsa Winters please come up to the stage!" Ms.Ariel said, clapping her hands loudly.
I mentally groaned.

Damn it.

I slowly got up, all eyes on me as I walked towards the stage.
"So what are you going to sing?" Ms.Ariel asked politely.
I glared at the audience and mumbled, "I'm singing an original song that I wrote myself."
"Wonderful." Ms.Ariel smiled.
"I bet that she sings like a dying cat!" Someone yelled out, making the entire class burst out in laughter, including Jack, who was rocking back and forth in his chair, tears streaming down his face.
I glared at everyone, anger boiling my blood. I looked up at Rapunzel, who was giving me sympathetic looks and mouthing comforting words to me.

I let out a small grunt and walked towards the piano, and breathed in.

You can do this Elsa, you can do this.

Then, I began to play, my hands naturally pressing down on the keys.

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen.
A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like, I'm the queen.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside,
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried.

Don't let them in, don't let them see,
be the good girl, you always have to be,
conceal don't feel, don't let them know,
Well know they know!

Let it go!
Let it go!

Can't hold it back anymore!

Let it go!
Let it go!

Turn my back and slam the door,
And here I stand!
And here I stay!
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway.

It's funny how some distance, makes everything seem small,
but the fears that once controlled me, can't get to me at all!
It's time to see, what I can do, to test the limits and break through!
No right no wrong, no rules for me,
I'm freeee

Let it go!
Let it go!

I am one with the wind and sky!
Let it go!
Let it go!
You'll never see me cry!
Here I'll stand,
And here I'll stay,
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway.

My powers flurry through the air into the ground,
My soul is spiralling in Frozen fractals all around!
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast,
I'm never going back,
The past is in the past!

Let it go!
Let it go!

And I'll rise like the break of dawn,
Let it go!
Let it go!
That perfect girl is gone!
Here I stand,
in the light of day!
Let the storm rage on!

The cold never bothered me anyway.

I finished the song and breathed heavily. I slowly got up and walked back to Ms.Ariel, who's mouth was gawping, staring at me as if I had just grew wings. I kept my head down. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Then, I heard a few claps, growing into even more claps, until the entire audience starting clapping loudly at me.
"YOU GO ELSA! WOOHOO THATS MY GIRL RIGHT THERE YA GOT THAT PEOPLE!" Punzie yelled, causing a few people to stare at her.
I giggled and shook my head.

Then my eyes turned to Jack, who was just staring at me, open mouthed with a shocked expression on his face. I smirked and bowed, allowing the crows to quieten down.
"That was amazing Elsa!" Ms.Ariel exclaimed, grinning at me.
"Now, please sit down and let's pick another student!"

~flashback over😌~

"Oh yeah..." I chuckled nervously, twirling the end of my braid.
"You were amazing though," Jack smirked, making me blush. I turned away so he couldn't see.
"And as for you Jack...." Ms.Belle said.
"Yeah?" He asked. He definitely didn't want to answer what she was going to ask.
"Do you remember 7th grade?"
I looked at him with a questioning look. "What happened in 7th grade?"
Jack chuckled nervously. "Well......"

So how did you like this chapter? I'm not sure if that was such a good cliffhanger but that was one of the things I hoped I could do in this story! Anyways, thank you for over 90+ reads! That's AMAZING! Honestly I never thought this book would get that many views, but I'm Glad that you guys enjoy it! So what do you think Jack did in 7th grade?

We'll have to see😏.

So if you liked this chapter or you want to send any feedback back to me, please


And thanks for reading!

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