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Jack's P.O.V

Classes seemed to fly by and before I knew it, it was lunch. I said goodbye to Elsa and after getting a cheeseburger, curly fries and some coke, I walked over to where the boys were all sitting.

"Hey boys!" I said happily, sitting down. "What are you guys talking about?"

They all looked at each other and Hiccup sighed. "Jack, we need to ask you something."

I nodded my head, curious. "What?"

Hiccup took a deep breathe. "So, do think Elsa may be the one?"

I looked at him in shock. "What?"

"You know," he continued. "Simeone you really like?"

"Someone you can settle down with," Eugene said.

"Someone you could not cheat on," Kristoff pressed.

I looked at them all confused. "Why are you asking me this?"

"Because we think that you guys go together nicely," Hiccup admitted. "We think she might be the right girl for you."

I nearly choked on my food. "What?! The Snow Queen?!"

"Yeah," Eugene said. "Not to mention that her Cousin is my Girlfriend, I don't want you breaking Elsa's heart."

I pushed my tray away from me. "You should have thought of that before making that bet."

Eugene sighed. "Is true love really worth $200?"

"It is if there isn't any in the first place," I said. "Nothing is going to happen between me and Elsa. Nothing. I'm doing to because if word gets round that I tuned down a bet, how do you think it will affect my reputation? People will start saying that I'm a wuss that couldn't get the new girl!"

"Fine," Kristoff smirked. "If you're so desperate, then go ask her on a date."

My eyes widened. "What?!"

"If you don't have any feelings for her, then ask her on a date. Anyways, it'll benefit you for the bet."

Groaning, I got up from my seat and headed towards Elsa's table. I'm not gonna lie, I was nervous. My hands were starting to get clammy and my breathe was quickening. Once I had reached their table, they all stopped talking.

"Yes Jack?" Elsa asked.

"Hi Elsa," I said nervously. "Um, I was going to ask you something."


"Well, urm...." I stuttered. "I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me?"

Punzie and Anna immediately started to squeal and started to Whisper. I heard 'Jelsa' a few times. What was that, some kind of girl-code?

"Sure," Elsa smiled. "I would love that."

I pulled on my signature smirk. "Great! See you at 8?"

She nodded and I left, hearing the laughter and squeals from behind.

This will be too easy.

Hey guys!
Did you like the update?
I hope you guys did enjoy it! Sorry for not updating yesterday though, I just had a lot of stuff to do.
So anyway, what did you think no of this chapter? Are you looking forward to Elsa and Jack's date? If you do, please keep an eye out for the next view chapters, and if you liked this chapter, or you want to send in any feedback, please


And thanks for reading!

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