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Jack's P.O.V

"Is the grape juice ready?" I asked Pitch, who was standing in a dark corner.

He nodded. "It's all in place. The pressure is on you now."

Without saying anything, I walked away to find Elsa walking away from Anna and Kristoff. Kristoff looked really nervous and anxious, you could tell by his facial expression. He better not have given the plan away.

"Hey Elsa!" I shouted, running up to her. She sighed in relief.

"Hey Jack, where were you?"

"Oh, I was just in the bathroom, you know...." I replied. Elsa just smiled.


"Hello everyone!" Hiro Hamada yelled, catching all the attention. Hiro was responsible for the entire winter formal, and his Brother, Tadashi, was an old Friend of mine.

"So now, I hope you're enjoying yourselves," he said. "But now, it's time to announce who the Winter king and Queen will be!"

Everyone clapped loudly, even a few whistles. Hiro grabbed two envelopes from Honey Lemon, who was standing beside him, and opened the first one.

"So our Winter King is........Jack Frost!"

Everyone clapped loudly again. I walked out to the stage and Honey Lemon placed a plastic crown on my head.

"And the Winter Queen is...........Elsa Winters!"

Everyone clapped loudly again, and Elsa blushed a deep red. She walked up to the stage as well and Honey lemon placed a plastic tiara on her head.

"So," Hiro continued. "Would the King be the first to make a speech for everyone?"

I nodded, and went to the microphone. "Hello everyone. I am very proud to be your prom king this year, it has been a massive Honour to learn and be with you in this school, and it is especially an Honour to be crowned king with the most beautiful girl in the world, Elsa Winters. And Elsa, I would really like to ask you something for this special moment."

A lot of 'oohs' and 'aaahs' filled the air, and Elsa blushed even harder.

"Yes Jack?" She asked timidly.

I smiled. "Elsa, would you do me the Honour, of becoming my Girlfriend?"

She looked like she was near tears. "Yes Jack, I will!"

Everyone cheered loudly, and some even threw roses at us. Who knew where they came from?!

I hugged her tightly and let go all of a sudden. "There's also something else I wanted to do......"

"Yes?" She said.

I pulled a string that was nearby, and a bucket of grape juice poured down on her, soaking her dress. She gasped in shock and looked at me, confused and hurt.

"What's this?"

"Did you really think I would ever want to be with you?! The Snow Queen, the loner, the loser? How could anyone love a person who was ugly inside and out?! And to lie about their past just to get attention after their Boyfriend was so nice to them? That's so sick that I want to throw up! Everyone, give it up for the Snow Queen!"

Only a few people clapped, everyone was still in shock at what happened, even the gang. Elsa looked at me, hurt and sad.

"D-Do you r-really think I would w-want attention like t-that?" She stammered.

"Yes!" I said. "You're just an attention hog who wants to make people feel sorry for her!"

Her bottom lip started to quiver. "And I thought that you were the one, Jack."

She took off, people making way for her as she exiting the gym. Silence filled the air, until all of a sudden, tomatoes were being thrown at me.


"How could you be so mean?!"

"And to believe that I had a crush on you!"

Those were the things being said to me, and I ran off stage. As soon as I did, I felt a hand come in contact with my face.


"You idiot!" Anna yelled. I touched where her hand came in contact with my cheek and winced. "How could you do that to Elsa!"

"What? The hog deserved it!"

Then Rapunzel slapped me in the face. "YOU BACKSTABBING, IDIOTIC, TREACHUROUS  MOTHERFU------"

Eugene stopped her from finishing her sentence. "Jack, why did you do it?"

"I told you! Pitch showed me the photo of her kissing some up whilst she was dating him!" I sneered.

"What?" Anna asked. "What was the name of the guy, Jack?"

"Uh, Cole? Does that name ring a bell?"

Anna shook her head. "Jack, did you even look at the photo properly? Cole was a big player at our school. Elsa was just walking when Cole just walked in and kissed her. Besides, that was before she had even met Pitch! Why would you trust him?"

"Because he's my Cousin!"

"Jack," Punzie said. "The moment Elsa escaped that house, she came to me. She was scared, she was traumatised. You really that that I, Rapunzel, your Friend, would lie to you about that?"

Then, Eugene dropped $200 at my feet. "Good job Frost, you won the game."

Then, they all left after Merida threw the hardest punch to my stomach, and I crumpled on the floor.

What have I done?

Hey guys!
So yes, Jack did it. He win the game. Do you think he's happy? And where did Pitch go? He was never mentioned at the end of the story. So if you did like this chapter, please


And thanks for reading!

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