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Anna's P.O.V (bet you didn't see that coming!😏)






"My little Elsie's all grown up!" I clapped my hands excitedly. "We're gonna have to go to the mall later after school! Because no offence Elsie, but none of your clothes are what's called, 'date appropriate."

"Hey!" Elsa pouted, pushing me playfully. "I have tons of clothes that are date appropriate!"

Punzie and I gave her, 'the-look' and she sighed, slumping defeatedly in her chair. "Okay, so maybe my sense of style isn't IN right now."

I nodded and continued. "We're gonna have to get you a new dress, new makeup, shoes. Don't even get me STARTED on your shoes. Jewelry, because we wanna make you look like a Queen. Possibly some chocolate. You know, so we can pre-snack..."

Elsa giggled. "Don't you think that's a little too much for a first date? I mean, it's just a date."

Punzie almost choked on her Apple juice. "Elsa! Don't you know how important first dates are?!"

Elsa looked at her, clueless. Punzie rubbed her Temples in frustration. "Oh Elsie, Elsie, Elsie. There are so many things you have to learn..."

"First dates are EVERYTHING!" I shouted. "That's where first impressions happen. And because you are with JACK FROST, this makes this date EVEN MORE IMPORTANT!"

"Why?" Elsa asked, resting her head on her hand.

"He's the most popular guy in school!" I yelled, flapping my arms around, desperate for her to see sense. "He's gonna tell EVERYONE how well this date went."

She gulped. "Everyone?"

"EVERYONE," I said, adding a little bit of dramatic effect. Because, why not?

"And if it does go well," I smirked. "Then you guys can be a couple, and then you graduate together, and then you go to COLLEGE, and then you get MARRIED, and then you have LITTLE JELSA BABIES. AND I WILL BE THE BEST AUNT EVER---"

Elsa almost fell out of her seat. "Jelsa babies?! Anna!"

I giggled. "A fangirl can dream."

"I don't even know if I can trust him again," Elsa said, regaining her posture. "After what he did--"

"Don't worry," Punzie said, rubbing her back. "If he does anything..."

"We'll kick his butt!" Merida yelled, throwing her hand down on the table. "And I can't wait to break his neck as well!"

Elsa laughed. "I'm so Glad I have you guys as friends."

"What can we say," Punzie said, flipping her hair dramatically. "We are just IRRESISTABLE."

We all stopped for a moment. And then we burst into laughter.

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