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Elsa's P.O.V

"I was 11 years old," I began. "I was just a regular schoolgirl. I had best friends, a great family and I did well in school."

"But I still felt like I was missing something. I felt like there was a missing hole in my heart that I couldn't fill. But then I eventually met someone who could."

I turned towards Jack. "I met a guy. I bumped into him when I was going to class. I thought he was SO attractive. He had glossy, dark hair, these unique golden eyes and his smile literally lit up the entire room. He asked me to be his girlfriend that same day."

"You can't be with someone you just met." Jack said sternly.
"Says you," I said, rolling my eyes. "Remember when you first met me?"

Jack was about to say something until he suddenly closed his mouth.
"Anyways," I said. "I thought he as my soulmate. We spent nearly every hour together. We told each other everything, and as the weeks went by, I found myself pushing my friends away just so I could hang out with this boy. I felt like my entire world evolved around pleasing him."

"And then what?" Jack asked.
I sighed. "And then I found myself without anyone to talk to except for HIM. I had already pushed so many people out that they didn't even bother trying to get me to go with them to places. They already knew that I would say no."

"Even my sister stopped talking to me. Whenever she asked me to go get ice cream with her, I would always say no because HE told me that Is ain't allowed. At first, I thought that he was just being overprotective, whichI found kind of cute. But eventually, I grew annoyed whenever he told me that I wasn't allowed to go out with my friends without his permission. Then one day, I snapped. It was just an average day. He and I were just snuggling on the couch watching some random movie. Then, he tried to kiss me on the lips, but I gently pushed away and refused because I was tired and didn't want to. He snapped and got mad that I rejected him, and he slapped me so hard that I was knocked unconscious for a few days straight."

I then pulled up my sleeve. "Remember this scar you saw?"
Jack nodded curiously. "Well," I said. "I found this on my arm when I woke up. He told me that it would be a reminder for me that even if I left him, I would always be his. He told me that whilst I was unconscious, he had engraved his name onto a metal rod and inserted that into my arm. That's why it's so grey and bruised. Because it never healed."
A tear slid down my cheek. "And one day, I tried to make a run for it. Most of the time, I slept over at his house, and I left him a note saying that we were through. In fact, I was so scared that I decided to go stay with an aunt that lived a few blocks from where I actually lived, since I had given him the key to my house and my room."

"After a few days, I plucked up the courage to go back home, but then I soon realised that my parents weren't there. I asked Anna about it and she explained to me that they had been missing for the past few days, and she had already contacted police. It couldn't have been a coincidence that they disappeared the day that I him. So I went back to his house, and I knocked on the door to ask him if he knew where my parents were. The only thing he said was to check the back of my garden."

Soon more tears started to trickle down my cheek. "And I did. I looked at the back of my garden and found the bodies of my parents hidden behind the rosebushes. They had cuts and bruises all over them. They were recognisable because of how much damage that had been done to them. And hidden in the pocket of my mother's dress was a note. And on the note, it said, 'Don't
mess with me dearie, because you will always be mine.'"

I looked up at Jack, who had an unreadable expression on his face. "I never told Anna or the police what really happened. I just told the police that I had found a letter hidden in a cabinet in the kitchen saying that they went on a surprise cruise. Coincidentally, there was news that apparently a cruise ship had sank midway through the excursion, and that's what Anna believes as to what happened to our parents. Punzie is the only one besides you that knows what really happened, because I couldn't keep the news to myself, or I would have died of the guilt that welled up inside of me Everyday."

"It wasn't your fault Elsa," Jack said quietly.
"Yes it was!" I cried. "If I had never left him, my parents would still be here! They would have gotten to see my graduation, my wedding, they could have seen their grandchildren grow up." I was a mess. I didn't know what to do. "And now they can't, because I was to naive, and I made a huge mistake that costed their lives."

I sat there crying for a few minutes until I felt a pair of arms embracing me into a hug. "It wasn't your fault Elsa," Jack said. "It was that guy's fault for overreacting. HE is to blame. You are right about leaving him Elsa, or who knows what could have happened to you. You shouldn't let this part of your life define who you are now. You are beautiful, and kind, and smart, and everyone loves you! NO ONE would say that this is your fault. Trust me."

I cried into his arms, the warmth comforting me. "So who is this guy?" Jack said, a hint of anger in his voice.
"Just a guy called Pitch Black," I mumbled into his shirt.
Then, Jack pushed me back, I looked at him in surprise. "What?"
He looked at me with fear in. His eyes. "Elsa," he said. "Pitch Black is my Cousin."

Hello guys!
So I hope you enjoyed this chapter! So I had just recently published a story called, 'The Runaway Bride', but then I deleted it because I feel like I should concentrate more on this story, and make it more interesting for you guys. So if you did like this chapter, or you want to send any feedback, please


And thanks for reading!

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