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Jack's P.O.V

Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky,

Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are.

I woke up, groaning. My head was pounding and I felt like my arms and legs couldn't work. Slowly but surely, I managed to stagger upwards to find myself in a cell-like room. I staggered towards the bars and looked around. There were similar cells surrounding the perimeter of a small area of space. The floor was cement, and the walls were very familiar. Why were they so familiar? At the center of the space, there was a girl sitting in a chair, knocked unconscious. Her head lolled to once side, her hands and legs, covered in bruises and blood, tied to the back of the chair. Her hair was sticky with dried blood, and her face was severely bruised. Why did she look so familiar? Wait.....

"Elsa?" I managed to Whisper. My eyes widened at the realisation.

"Elsa!" I shouted. I scrambled upwards and banged my hands against the bars. "Let me go! Let me go!"

"Jack! Calm down!" A voice said.

I turned to my right to find Rapunzel on the ground, her head the only thing that managed to lift itself up. Unlike me, she was also covered in bruises, but luckily here was no sign of blood.

"Rapunzel! Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yup, I'm great," she said. "Just great."

"Guys, what are you doing?"

We both looked at a different cell. Inside that fell sat Eugene, who was covered in blisters and bruises. A trail of blood ran down his face and down to his neck, disappearing down his shirt.

"Eugene!" Punzie said, grasping the bars.

"I'm fine," he coughed. "But look at the others."

Next to him were two other cells. One had Merida, who was still unconscious. Her legs and arms were bound together by rope and she was covered in scratches and bruises. You could see a trickle of blood run down her agape mouth. Hiccup, on the other hand, was in even worse shape. He too, was unconscious, but you ovoid the see one of his legs, and you could see that he had so many bruises and scratches that you could only see a bit of what his skin looked like. Why was I the only one not hurt? And where was Anna and Kristoff?

"Hiccup! Merida!" I yelled. "Are you ok?"

They still didn't stir.

"Isn't it nice to see everyone together again?"

I turned at looked at the entrance, where I could find Pitch, who was walking towards the center, a whip in his right hand.

"What did you do to them?!"

"Oh Jack," he cooed. "I just scratched them a little. Maybe put a few punches in, it's no big deal."

"You Monster!" I shouted, banging the bars even harder. "Where is everyone else?! Why did you torture Elsa?! WHY AM I NOT HURT?!"

"Jack, you must calm down," Pitch said. "I don't have the heart to hurt my own Cousin."

"But you do have the heart to hurt other innocent people?!" I yelled. "What is wrong with you?!"

"Nothing is wrong with me," Pitch said innocently. "I just like having fun, like you."

"THIS," I yelled. "Is not fun. You're a sick bastard!"

"Ooh! That hurt," Pitch said, placing a hand over his heart. "My own cousin! Betraying me."

"You hurt my friends!" I yelled. "That's enough betrayal to last a life time!"

"Enough talking," Pitch said, rolling his eyes. "Lets have some more fun."

He walked towards Elsa, his whip still in his hand, and raised it to her. She didn't move, her head still dangling from her body.

"Stop!" I yelled. "Don't hurt her!"

"Wait," Pitch said. "I'm not doing it to her."

He then pulled out two chairs from the darkness. On the two chairs were Kristoff and Anna, who were both unconscious, but there were no visible bruises or scratches. Slowly, he lifted up Kristoff and carried him next to Elsa. Anna was put in front of them, face to face. Eventually, they all started to stir, and they were all wide awake in a few moments.

"W-Where am I?" Anna asked, dazed. "Elsie? Kristoff? Is that you guys?"

"Anna?" Elsa said. Then, her eyes widened. "Anna!"

Kristoff stayed silent, staring at Anna helplessly. He couldn't save her now.

"Good morning sunshine!" Pitch announced. "Nice of you three to join us."

He then lifted up the whip to Anna. "You can all enjoy the show."

He then started to whip Anna, like an animal in a cage. Anna cried out in pain, thrashing around in her chair. Trickled of blood started to run down her body, bruises blossoming in her skin. Kristoff looked like he was going to break down, but Elsa had beaten him to it.

"Let her go! Let her go! Please! I beg you please let her go!"

And with one last final whip, he pushed over Anna's chair and she fell to the ground.


Hey guys!
So I'm sorry for such a gruesome chapter, but don't worry, better things are yet to come! So now what do you think happens next to our heroes? You'll have to find out in the next chapter!

And also, thank you for +1.2k reads! That's amazing and I can't thank you guys enough for the reads and votes!

So yes! If you did like this chapter please don't forget to


And thanks for reading!

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