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Jack's P.O.V

Ugh! I can't believe that lady! She just comes waltzing in and she ruins my chances with Elsa! Luckily I have this idea in my mind, I don't even know why I'm doing it. I'm taking her somewhere special, a place where only the big Four Boys and I know exists, and I hope this will turn this Date around. I stopped at Moonlight Avenue, parked the car and grabbed Elsa's hand.

"Where are you taking me?" Elsa said confused, but I just led her on.

In front of us, there was a massive woodland, and I guided Elsa through it. I knew she was skeptical about this, but she had to trust me. I still wanted to make this date perfect.

And I am a man of my word.

Elsa's P.O.V

I was Super nervous about going alone on a forest with Jack, but then again, I could use my ice powers to defend myself. But that would also mean killing him, because he would most likely spread it around school about how he almost got murdered by some ice  freak. We walked through the forest for a while, but then I started to get even more skeptical. My palms started to get sweaty, and my heart was beating a mile a minute. Was he gonna murder me? Was I gonna die this way? I didn't imagine myself dying this way, I imagined it a lot differ-

"Elsa, we're here," Jack said, pulling me from my thoughts.

I nodded and looked at our surroundings. I found we were on the edge of a cliff, and my jaw dropped at the view. You could see so many stars and constellations! The beautiful moon illuminated the pitch black sky along with the thousands of stars and you could see the silhouette of the city, with so many cars bustling below us.

"Do you like it?" Jack said, with a little hope in his voice.

"I-its beautiful," I stuttered.

He slowly sat down at the edge of the cliff, and patted down next to him for me to join him. I was Super nervous in case I was gonna fall, so I shook my head furiously.

"Come on," Jack said reassuringly. "If you fall, I'll catch you. Promise."

I reluctantly gave up and grunted before plopping myself next to him and turned my head towards the stars. I smiled dreamily.

"You've got a beautiful smile," Jack said. "You know that?"

I blushed and attempted to cover it with my hand. "Thanks. No ones ever told me that before."

He looked back at me in shock. "Really?!"

I giggled and gave him a small smile. "At my old school, I was completely shunned by my classmates. I was the school freak, braces and all."

Jack looked at me, signalling me to continue my backstory. I took a deep breath. "It was a Long time ago, I grew accustomed to the glares I got walking down the hallways, and they trash cans I was regularly shoved into, but no need to feel bad, I got used to it after a few years."


"Years. And after a while I just gave up hope. I didn't think anyone was gonna help me after a few months of hoping, but then someone eventually did help me."

"Who?" Jack said, obviously engrossed in my backstory.

"His name was.." I hesitated. I didn't want to tell him the truth, no matter how much I trusted him. When the time was right, I would tell him.

"His name was Matthew," I lied. "He saved me while some group was beating me up by my locker. He sent me to the infirmary and got me stitched up. After that we were best friends, then it became more than friends.."

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