Take away the voices

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Vanessa's: POV

Enzo was busy taking care of his human boyfriend who apparently couldn't stand the sight of blood. Dad was still mad at me but I didn't care. Suddenly I heard the voices in my head and I ended up in a trance.

You dad does not love you anymore. He only care about his new baby. Who would ever love you? But if you get rid of Raven everything will be fine. Do you remember what they called you when they found out who your mother was? Poor little girl, you have been detained in the mental hospital for too long.

I took out a knife and went upstairs. I opened the door to Raven's room and went in. She slept deeply in her cradle and I held the knife over her. But if you get rid of Raven everything will be fine. Tears ran down my cheeks and my hands shook. You dad does not love you anymore. He only care about his new baby. "Please, stop." I begged. Who would ever love you? "Take away the voices." I screamed. Poor little girl, you have been detained in the mental hospital for too long. "Please, shut up." I screamed heartbreaking.

"Nessie!" said Adam and pulled me away from the cradle. "I don't want to kill her, but the voices forces me." I replied and tears streamed down my face. "It's not your fault." he said calmly and stroked my hair. "No one loves me." I sobbed. "That's not true, you're loved by so many." said Adam. "I'm freak." I shouted.

"Listen to me, you are not a freak, you are an amazing girl with a heart of gold. You've had a tough childhood but you stand still with feet on the ground and you will not let anyone push you down. You are an wonderful daughter, granddaughter, sister and friend and that's why we love you and we will never let you down." said Adam.

"Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you." I replied and hugged him. "I'm always here for you, no matter what." he replied.

Raven began to cry and I lifted up her in my arms. "Shhh, it was only a nightmare." I said calmly. She looked at me with her steel blue eyes. "Do you want to hear a lullaby?" I asked and she nodded. I sang a lullaby that I used to sing to Alice and Raven fell asleep in my arms. "Dream sweet dreams." I said and kissed her forehead.

Vanessa is so strong and she hates that the voices control her. She will be an amazing sister to Raven. I hope you liked this chapter.


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